Chapter 4

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Finally! We got some rest! It was tiring. "ROLANDA!! PLEASE GET THE TWINS SOME WATER!!" our mom shouted to our maid so that she can hear our mom because she was at the kitchen. "Ok yes maam" our maid said. Oh wait. She is flirting again with my brother a soon as she handed the water bottle to my twin. By the way that is her face at the chapter pic. "Oh! Hello there Lenny!😘😘😘" Rolanda said. "Uh... thanks?" Len said with a disgusted face. "Twins we are gonna start in 5 minutes ready your sparring gears!" Our dad said. "What?!?!" Len said as the water that he is drinking spilled out of his mouth. "Sparring dad?" I said "yes of course honey!" Mom said. "Hah! Rin you cannot fight me!" Len said "YES I CAN!!" I said. " you cannot even do pushups!" Len said

I know Rin is weak especially in martial arts stuff. "Ok ready... set go!!" Our dad said as we started to fight. Rin kicks fast and punches fast that I cannot even punch or kick even once. I she even did me a tornado kick. Wait she does taekwondo!??! I did not know this! I will ask my twin sis later.
" hah! I told you I can fight you!" Rin said " yah yah... whatever!" I said now time to ask her. "Rin are you a black belter already in taekwondo? Are you hiding from me that you are doing taekwondo?" I asked... guess what she said "I thought dad told you already that I do taekwondo?" She said " no dad did not tell me anything about this." I said to her " then you know now," she said. "Hey how about teach me some of your moves rin!" I said "no" she said "why?" I asked "because if I teach  you. You will use those moves on me especially we are in some war about the business if who will daddy and mommy pick between the two of us." She said.
Wow... I feel weak right now. Especially you were beaten up by a girl. 😧😧😧

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