secrets- Sam x reader

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It has been two years since you and Sam Winchester stated dating. It's only been a year of hunting with him and his brother. For the first year you and Sam tried to hide the fact that you were both hunters. But Sam doesn't know you have more secrets your hiding.

"(Y/n) come here" Sam says standing at the bathroom door in the Motel.
You walked over he have you a kiss

" get a room" dean said from his bed

" we wanted to but this was the only one open so be quiet dean" you snapped. Sam laughed pulling you into a deep kiss to annoy his older brother.

"I'll be outside when you to love birds are ready" dean groans and walks outside and waits by the impala

You laugh and go in the bathroom to finish getting ready for the hunt. "I don't understand why you put so much effort in you f.b.i disguise"

"Because I can't just throw on a suit like you and Dean. I'm a girl and we need makeup to look official."

"You hate make up"

"Yes I do I don't get the point of it but I have to put it on. We go though this every hunt" you smiled at Sam and then put your hair up. After making sure your suit was straight you headed to the door followed by sam.

"Took you long enough. You have problems with your hair Sammy" dean joked. You laughed as you got in the back seat.

"Shut up jerk"


Dean started the car and took off to the crime scene. You had a weird feeling that someone you knew will be around the scene. Sam and Dean got out of the impala. You followed.

A cop came up to you guys and ask who you were. "I'm agent Smith and these are my partners agent mccloven
And agent megee we're fbi" you said. The cop shows you the scene and tells you what you need to know. You went to examine the body as the boys talked to the Witnesses.

"Agent Smith huh" a males voice said right behind you. You turned to see Crowley. You give a look towards Sam " I don't think so this is between us darling "

"I don't think so" Sam is right by your side.

"It's none of your business Winchester" Crowley keeps his eyes on you "deals up (y/n)"

"I still have a year" you stated

Sam's eyes went to you "what deal?"

"The deal I made with him. I had to find him something in 5 years or i was his"

"You mean your soul" you shook your head

"She means her I want her" Crowley butted in

"What do you have to find" sam said worried

" my brother" you looked down. After a demon killed your mother and your father. Your older brother watched over you and taught you how to hunt.

"Yes he's been almost as big of thorn in my side as you Winchester" Crowley said. It was true your brother wanted Crowleys head so Crowley wanted his.

"I told you he died last year so leave me alone" you said almost in tears. Your brother was in hiding for three years when you found him last year. You told him your deal and that you had no choice to it was that or your freedom. Your brother was okay with the plan but wanted one more hunt with you. He had got between a werwolf and you. He had no chance to live and he left this world.

"And that means your mine you didn't bring me him " Crowley smirked

" no it doesn't he's gone that's what you wanted so leave my girlfriend alone" Sam stood up for you. You smiled as Crowley left but not without saying he will have you.

You look down "can we go back to the motel?" You asked. Sam nodded and went and told dean that you guys will meet him back at motel.

When you get to the motel you sat on the bed. "(Y/n)" You heard Sam but didn't answer or look at him. "Why didn't say anything about the deal or your brother"

"Wasn't important" you look at your feet when Sam walks in front of you.

"Yes it is. I don't what I would do if Crowley got his hands on you. You could of told me your brother died instead of telling me he was always busy" Sam lifted you chin so you were looking at him

"My brother was a very private person and he wouldn't want everyone to know he passed. And I guess I took that trait from him" you said with a tears in your eyes.

"Babe it's fine just don't keep secrets like making deals with demons from me again" you nodded and he gave you a kiss.

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