mommy - sam x reader

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"SAM! (Y/N)!" dean yelling trying to get  a 3 year old girl off his leg. You and sam ran in. You fell laughing seeing you brother in law struggling to get your daughter off his leg. Sam's right behind you chuckling. "what's so funny "

"nothing, its just that you can fight off creatures but you can't  get alex off you leg" (y/n) laughed

"she's strong for a three year old"

"she is a daughter of to hunters" sam butted in

"I'm mommys little huntress " alex giggled and ran to your arms

"(y/n) after you get her to bed we should talk" dean whisper to you loud enough for you and sam to hear.  You nodded and headed to Alex's room.

You laid alex onto her bed "no bed i not tired" alex yawned

"I'll tell you a story" you bribed her.

"yay the one about you and daddy meeting " she smiled at you

"ok well it was night time and I was trying to find a creature that was hurting kids and you uncle and dad were doing the same thing so we teamed up and killed the thing after that me and your dad got talking and i joined them time to time till it became  that i joined them fully dating your dad" you heard snoring and left the room

"we shouldn't tell her about creatures so soon" sam said as you walked out of her room

"we shouldn't but they have been after her since she was born and i would want her prepared for anything because I'm not having her locked in this bunker her whole childhood" sam nodded and you both walked to the library where dean is

"you wanted to talk dean" sam asked as you sat down

"yes about alex and why we are training to hunt so early and why i heard you to talking home schooling her" dean answered

"because i want her prepared for anything and because she's being hunted by the creatures we hunt" you explained

"home schooling till she gets  old enough to protect herself  without one of us there" sam added

"that's another thing why are they hunting her and why is she strong enough to take down a vampire alone"

"i don't know why with any of that and i didn't want her to hunt at all because i didn't want her to have my childhood" you said looking down. You were hunting at a very early age. your parents were both hunters and they took you all the time. The first hunt you remember was at age 3. You were on your dads back watching them fight.  At age 5 you were reading lore and fighting. At age 10 you went on your own hunt because it had to have go into school under cover to talk to a victim that was your first and last week of public school. At age 15 you finished online college and got your license. By 18 both your parents were killed by demons and you been hunting alone till you meet the Winchesters at age 25. "but because she's being hunted there's no reason to hide this from her"

"or our childhood but we need to protect her and the only way is to tell her.  (Y/N) now that you put it that way i agree" sam added

"well i don't" dean almost yelled but stopped after seeing your "she's sleeping" face.

"well she's not yours and if you can tell me why she's already reading and so strong or why shes being hunted then you can have a say on what I do with her" you stormed out of the room

"really dean" sam followed

The next day sam woke up and your not next to him. Normally he wakes up before you. Sam went to Alex's room trying to find you but neither you or alex were there.  He went though the whole bunker and couldn't find you. He found dean in the kitchen "have you seen (Y/N)"

"no why" dean asked

"i can't find her or alex" with that dean ran to the garage

"SHIT! SAM!" dean yelled and sam came running. Sam looked around seeing your (favorite car) gone and a note on the impala.

"dean she left a note" sam grabbed the note that read 'sorry that i left with no warning but don't worry I'll be back later just left for a drive to clear my head. I wasn't going to take alex but she woke up and wanted to come with. If I'm not back by dark sam you know what to do'

"what does she mean you know what to do" dean asked

"we made a plan if one of us went out alone with alex and if we feel  like we are being followed to go to a certain motel and barricade our selfs in the room till night and send a text to other to come" sam answered

"and you didn't tell me"

" (Y/N) didn't think we needed to because you never leave the bunker with alex alone and if me and (Y/N) went out with her and we had a bad feeling we would call you and head right back"


Meanwhile on the road you looked at alex in the rear view mirror and see her asleep in her car seat. You didn't know where you were heading  but you needed to clear your head from the night before. You pulled into a small diner right as alex woke up.

"mommy i hungry" alex yawned

"we are going to get food right now baby" you got out and got her out of her seat. You walked to the door and she followed. Once you walked in you saw a sign that says please seat your self . You got alex in a high chair and then you sat down.

The waitress handed you a menu and a kids menu with crayons for alex. "can i get you something to drink"

"I'll have a coffee and she'll have a chocolate milk" you said looking at the kids menu first. The waitress nodded and went to the drinks.

"pancakes" Alex smiled seeing it as a option.

"ok here go ahead and color" alex grabbed the crayons and started coloring after you put down her menu.

"here you go" the waitress put down your drinks. "Ready to order"

"yes she wants the kids pancakes and I'll have the big breakfast with (your favorite eggs ) and bacon"

"what kind of toast with that"

"white please" she nodded and went to put in the order.

You watched alex color. "here mommy tic tac toe" you nodded and grabbed and played with her till your food came out. When you got your food alex went to town on her pancakes and your finished your bacon first.

You finished and was focused on the bill you didn't see the one and only king of hell Crowley walk in. You heard a familiar voice and looked up.  "damn it "you whispered putting money down and grabbed alex and left. In the car you called sam

"hello" sam answer

"sam i know we said to go straight to the motel if we were being followed and text once there but its Crowley "
You heard both boy say fuck at the same time letting you know that your on speaker.

"are you close to the motel" sam asked

"yes I'm heading there now"

"ok we are on our way dean already has his keys and starting the impala"

"ok see you soon" you hung up and drove like a bat out of hell.

"mommy is crow after me again" you Sighed and nodded knowing that she shouldn't have to know who Crowley is.

--------to be continued -----------

This got a bit longer than expected

supernatural × reader imagines (Fluff/smut)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang