Chapter One: Dear Orientation

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Chapter 1: Dear Orientation

"On the slight chance that I have contracted a very deadly disease, will you let me skip orientation?" I ask my dad the next morning.

He chuckles and then kisses my forehead. Maybe he'll actually let me stay home.

"Sweetie," he gives me a big smile and his green eyes twinkle, "you are going to go up to your room and get ready whether you like it or not." That big smile that was once there is now replaced with a solemn expression as he strokes his beard.

I knew he was trying to be serious, but I couldn't help but laugh at his sad attempt. My father Leighton Myers was anything but a strict parent. This was the guy who let me stay at the park till midnight with some random boy I met when I was in the fifth grade. In fact, when I came back, he asked me why I was home so early. But to be fair, he wasn't home for most of the day and I guess he felt guilty so in some twisted way, he was trying to make up for it. Maybe that wasn't the most responsible way to do it, but he was trying. Dad was always busy with our family restaurant "The Big Bite!" It was a medium sized burger joint and it was also my dad's entire world. Some men are obsessed with cars; my dad is obsessed with our restaurant.

He was usually down there almost every day and sometimes I'll walk over just to help out when needed. There wasn't many times I was needed down there though so usually I just went when I was bored or lonely. I wasn't one of those kids who longed for attention from their parent but I will admit, I did wish we spent more time together. Not in that uncomfortable, clichéd father/daughter type bonding but, it would be nice if he would ask me about my day more often.

"It was worth a shot." I mumble and the doorbell rings. "That's most likely Sam." I walk over to the front door and my suspicion is confirmed when I see my very jumpy friend grinning at me. His hair is ruffled and there are bags under his bloodshot eyes. I guess I wasn't the only one worrying about orientation last night.

"Are you actually going to orientation in your pyjamas?" I look down at my black and white polka dotted pyjamas before giving him the harshest glare I can muster at seven thirty in the morning. "I'm not judging you but, first impressions do matter." I give Sam a once over. He's wearing his lucky blue jeans that he wears when he wants to make a good first impression and a superman shirt. He has his small luggage in his other hand and a backpack.

"Of course I'm not going in this. You're just early!" I roll my eyes before gesturing him to come inside. He waves at my dad who waves back before taking a seat on our black leather couch, "Why exactly are you so early? We have until nine o'clock."

He puts a hand through his hair, "my mom was pretty much freaking out and kept repeating to remember to bring toothpaste. After about ten times of hearing 'do not forget toothpaste!' I decided I couldn't take it anymore."

"I love your mother so much," I picture Annabelle's smiling face in my head, she looked exactly like Sam.

"You only love her because she makes you cookies all the time!"

"Well partly but that's not the only reason I love her okay?"

"Yeah sure." He winks at me and I roll my eyes once again, "now go get dressed so we don't end up late."

"I shall go get dressed, be back in a second." I run up the stairs to my room and shut the door. I already took a shower so now it was time for clothes, makeup and hair. My wardrobe is pretty simple and consists of mostly black shirts, jeans and sometimes dresses but never skirts. I really hate skirts.

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