Chapter Two: Dear Ezra

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Dear Mystery Dude,

I love your face.

After the brief encounter with the beautiful mystery dude, I can't get him out of my brain. It doesn't help that he's sitting right across from us and I have the best view from the angle I'm sitting at. He talks to Sam briefly however, Sam seems a bit hostile and it annoys me. How could he be so rude to such a precious human being?

I mean, yes I don't know the dude's name yet but that didn't mean I couldn't feel bad for him. He is most likely the sweetest boy on planet earth, I can just tell.

My mind starts to wander and I think about all the dates we could go on. Movie dates, dinner dates, park dates, hangout dates, anything dates. As long as I got to stare into his beautiful blue grey eyes I could care less.

I'm once again, examining the beautiful art that is mystery dude's face when Sam rudely interrupts my concentration by snapping his fingers.

"Earth to Dorothea, are you brain dead?" He raises an eyebrow and I can tell my cheeks are flushed. Ezra looks over at me for a brief moment and gives me a toothy smile. I turn to the window and look outside so he can't see my stupid grin. "Oh you can't be serious."

"What are you going on about?" I decide to play dumb in hopes that he will leave the subject alone. "I'm simply looking around the bus, is that a crime?" I narrow my eyes at him and he folds his arms.

"No but it's weird that you're literally just staring at Ezra for about twenty minutes."

Oh so his name was Ezra. Wait, how did Sam know his name?

"How do you know his name?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"I asked him what it was like ten minutes ago, you know while you were just gawking at him like he was the last piece of cake." I don't even like cake.

"Okay and your point?" It's my turn to raise an eyebrow. I know my arguments were non-existent but I can't help it. I needed to be defensive. The truth is way too embarrassing. "Can I not admire the other creations of the human species? I am simply admiring the work of his parents and I can tell they worked really hard to make him. So excuse me, if I want to bask in the glory of what is Ezra."

"You have a crush on him." He states.

"What that's ridiculous-"

"Ezra and Dorothea..." He starts to sing.

"Shut up, he might hear you."

"Sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-OW!" I punch him in the arm harder than I ever have. I make sure to use all my strength for this fatal blow and I can tell the attack was effective. He's clutching his arm and his eyes are watering. "You have to stop doing that or I'm going to need a cast by Wednesday!"

"Well maybe if you would stop picking on me, I wouldn't have to defend myself all the time." I stick out my tongue at him. "And really you chose that song? That's so preschool."

"Well staring at a guy you've just met for about three hours because you think his face is nice is so middle school," he says back, "so there." He gives me his stupid smirk and it makes me super annoyed. He knows I hate it when he smirks.

"Stop smirking." I say.

"You can't make me."

"Do you want the punch in the same arm or your left arm this time?" His eyes go wide and that stupid smirk is wiped off his face in no time. "That's what I thought."

"Fine, you win you animal." I growl for effect and he rolls his eyes. "But in all seriousness, what's your next move?" I freeze.

"What do you mean my next move?" I scrunch up my face in confusion.

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