Chapter Three : Dear Camping

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I hate camping.

The first time I went into the wilderness and was forced to fend for myself, (Side note: okay it wasn't actually by myself and I wasn't forced to really fend for anything but it was in the wilderness!) I was ten years old.

My dad thought it would be fun if the two of us featuring Sam went up into this camping ground he had found. It was supposed to be a time for us to bond. Now ten year old me thought that sounded like a splendid idea. If he ever approached me now with that idea, I'd either laugh in his face while looking around for hidden cameras or bring Sam along.

When we got up there, the first thing I hated was the fact that we had to sleep in a tent. Little Dorothea thought there would be a hotel in her future not a small tight space planted on the ground. There were tons of grasshoppers, the tent smelled horrible and it was impossible to sleep on the very uncomfortable patch of grass.

The second thing that turned me off forever was making a fire. I used to be deathly afraid of fire to the point where I would steer clear of the kitchen because there was a stove in there. Ever since I had the brilliant idea at seven years old to see how long I could keep my hand on the stove, I had been scarred for life. Tents plus the fire plus the great outdoors equals terrible trip. Let's just say, that trip ended pretty badly and my father abandoned the idea of bonding altogether.

Looking back at it, maybe I should've just played along for his sake but my hate for the outdoors was just too strong.

Being at orientation made the horrid memories flood back but at least this time I had Sam. So maybe it wouldn't be that bad this time?

I search for Sam in the crowd of students after we all come off the bus. When I spot him I yell his name and he looks at me. He's about to come over to me when this blonde haired dude pulls him off to the side with the rest of the boys. I notice that the girls are doing the same.

I'm confused until I look up to see the male teachers calling on the boys to one side and the female teachers doing the same for the girls.

Oh no, please don't be gender locked activities.

My only friends here are Sam and Ezra who coincidentally are both boys meaning I would be alone for the next day if I am only allowed to hang out with the girls. This can't be happening.

I stalk over to Mrs. Humphrey with folded arms and tap on her shoulder. "This isn't permanent right? Like we don't only have to hang out with the same gender for the remainder of this trip?" I can tell my voice sounds pretty shaky because I am low-key nervous about her answer. I cross my fingers and count my lucky stars.

She does her annoying high pitched laugh before shaking her head no. I let out a breath of relief which makes her laugh harder. "We are just organizing everyone into tents. Were you scared you'd have to be away from your boyfriend for the next day?" Now it's my turn to laugh.

"He's my best friend not my boyfriend but yes, I'll admit I was." I blush, "only because he's my only friend here and only friend in general actually." She gives me an apologetic expression and I know she feels bad for me. I hate pity.

"Don't worry sweetie! I'm sure that'll change in no time!" Her eyes light up with enthusiasm and positivity. Ugh. Here it comes, "high school is a new and exciting expression where you meet so many different new people! You'll have tons of friends in no time." She chirps.

And there it goes.

I try to let her down easy with my gentle negativity but be as brutally honest as possible, "Listen Mrs. Humphrey, I don't mean to be a downer because wow that small speech was pretty inspiring but it isn't true." I gave her an honest smile as she stood there dumbfounded. "The truth is yes, you will meet a ton of people and you'll like maybe half of them. Out of that half about two will talk to you and maybe one of those friends, if you count your blessings, will stick by you up until graduation." She has an eyebrow raised and it makes me giggle. "But, if you're the luckiest person on earth, they'll stick by you through university and be at your wedding."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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