Chapter 1

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 Lilac bit the side of her cheek lightly in thought, lips pursed in focus as she watched Alec take out another enemy sniper on his video game. The NPC practically flew in the air as the digital bullet ran right through its head. She still had no idea how gaming physics worked.

"Hey, Alec... Let's see how well you know me," she said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"What kind of request is that...?"

He didn't know her as well as he should have.

Lilac smiled brightly, and the mix of... well... bright hair, bright eyes and bright smiles could blind anyone. Dear god above -- it blinded Alec a million times over. If that was even possible. 'Angel. Yeah, right. Forget that idea. She's the burning sun itself.'

She held up on finger, "Number one: Favourite food?" she questioned, placing a hand behind her back and the other up in front of her.

"Mac and cheese," he answered.

"Favourite sci-fi show?"

He raised an eyebrow. ".... Doctor Who... And my own question: why are we doing this, exactly?"

Lilac shrugged. "Boredom and un-creativity," she said truthfully as she plopped, face-down, onto his couch. Her locks spread out everywhere in a mess. "Why don't you put on a game for more than one player...?" she mumbled, lifting her head up only slightly to look at the TV screen on the other side of the room.

"Because you didn't ask earlier," he justified, saving his game and taking out the disk.

She muttered a few incoherent words into a pillow and sat up again, criss-cross, as Alec handed her the other player controller. But the controller fell from her hands onto the floor. Upon hitting the wood, it fell apart.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I froze -- I don't know what happened!" she apologized hastily, picking up the batteries and putting the controller back together again.

"God, you're so clumsy these days," Alec pointed out, obviously annoyed.

She gulped subtly and went quiet. The whole living room was filled with silence.

'Oh fuck, what did I do?' "Come here, idiot," he added after a sigh, holding his arms open for her to hug him. "Er... I didn't mean that as a serious insult..."

Her eyes lit up again, smile returning as quick as it had gone before tackling him with a bear hug.

"Okay, can't breathe!" Alec gasped like a fish out of water, falling back onto the floorboards.

"Okay, sorry! Sorry...," she said as she let go.

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