Chapter 6

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Four weeks since Lilac's blood test.

"Hey, Lil,'" Elizabeth called, jogging up to Lilac. "Alec was gonna take me out on a date, but he didn't want to leave you alone either. Wanna go out for ice cream and a movie with us?"

Okay, so half of that was a lie.

Lilac had been a bit down lately, and the young couple, being so close to her, definitely notice. The ice cream and movie was truly a ruse to get Lilac out of the house and smiling brightly again. Today was Friday once more, so it was time for a weekend of fun and games... Right?

Lilac looked up from her phone. She'd been on it much too often lately. "What movie are you guys watching?"

"Some sort of espionage... I think. He didn't say exactly. You know Alec better than me," she pointed out with a shrug. "Anyways, we're meeting up at the fountain in the nearby park after school, getting some ice cream at the shop around the corner and then heading to the movie house from there. You're welcome to join at any time in case you need to think about it first."

The blonde nodded slowly. "I'll try to be there," she said with a smile.


That smile wasn't bright.

* ** * ** *

Truth be told, Lilac wasn't trying to distance herself from Alec and Elizabeth. She might as well have been doing so subconsciously, so when it came to the conscious choice of whether or not to go with them, she decided upon it without truly thinking it through.

All she wanted to do was spend more time with Alec.

As of now, she'd plugged her earbuds into her ears in order to escape life... albeit temporarily. "Heart, stop racing. Let's face it: making mistakes like this will make worse what was already pretty bad," she sung in a gentle tone, unaware of the audience to the right of her.

"Lil', put down your phone," Elizabeth chuckled as she placed her fingers on the edge of Lilac's phone and tilted it downward in order to get the blond's attention.

Elizabeth was... beautiful. Long black hair, tanned complexion, fit yet slender build... Lilac also had to admit that she was jealous of how pretty Elizabeth was, but of course, she wouldn't dare to act on that jealously. Neither would she dare to mess around with makeup. God knows that her clumsiness would mess it up, and it would also go against what she believed: That people are made perfect just the way they are, and they shouldn't feel the need to change themselves.

Of course, that also comes with a few exceptions.

"Sorry," she said with a small smile, turning off the screen, plucking out her earbuds and putting it back into her front pocket. Still, she could already feel the back of her brain nagging at her to get back to reading Wattpad and singing Waitress. Both were welcome distractions. As of now, the world wasn't looking as beautiful as she thought it had been.

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