Chapter 10

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 Asleep, Lilac snuggled into the chest of her teddy bear. She didn't remember whether or not being at Cleveland was a dream, or even if right now was a dream in itself, but at least she had her giant Costco bear for comfort. But...

Nudge. Nudge.

"Lil', wake up. We gotta get ready for the show."


Lilac half squeaked, half screamed as she woke up with a start, nearly falling out of bed due to the fact she was trapped in the covers, looking like a burrito... only to be caught by a pair of two strong arms. Another squeak. Her face might as well have been red enough to make all of her freckles melt off. "Alec! Wh-what are y-you doing?!?!"

"I'm cuddling you. What else do you think I'm doing?" he asked rather bluntly as he pulled her back to his chest and kissed her forehead.

Meep! Lilac.exe has stopped working!

She froze into place, still as a statue, before relaxing again. Still, it would take another entire minute for her to process that he was c u d d l i n g her. "... Who are you, and what have you done with Alec?" Lilac asked. This strange set of affection had rendered her completely and utterly dumbfounded. What move do you wish to use next? You used affection on Lilac! Affection was effective...! She felt like a pokemon in a video game!!!

"Um, Lil', snap out of it."

"Yes, sir, attention, sir," she said automatically before facepalming at her idiotic response.

He just grinned and kissed her cheek. "Up and at 'em. We got a Broadway musical to watch," he reminded, slipping out of bed and unpacking a set of clothes for the day. Lilac grumbled a few incoherent words... mainly out of spite that the moment couldn't last longer. Just because she was awkward about it didn't mean that she didn't want it.

Pursing her lips, she slowly and carefully unraveled herself from the blanket to take her medicine for the day.

* ** * ** *

Forget the ceiling of the hotel lobby.

When Lilac entered the Allen Theater, she was met with the stunning sight of pure artwork. Walls of gold and deep blue led up to a glowing, painted sky. Red, lightly used seats lay in neat rows, stacking themselves down and down until they reached front stage. The carpet floor was pale and faded, stretching out in all directions. Even in the hustle and bustle of the busy room, all seemed noiseless as she was lost in wonder. How could anything man-made be so beautiful as to challenge what nature had already made?

Then again, she hadn't seen so much of the world just yet.

Once more, the childish gaze in her bright eyes returned -- filled with a mix of curiosity and content. But it was different. There was no innocence. This was a gaze of knowing and understanding... not obliviousness. Alexander had spotted it right away as they walked down the aisle.

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