~Yaoi 101 [Nekoma]~

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Kuroo Tetsuro: Oi Kenma, what are you doing?

Kenma Kozume: Playing a game.

Lev Haiba: What else would he be doing?

Kuroo Tetsuro: True, but Kenma how would you like to do something with me?

Kenma Kozume: I'm not watching Hello Kitty with you...

Lev Haiba: I'll watch it with you!

Kuroo Tetsuro: No! And that's not what I meant. 

Yaku Morisuke: Then what did you mean?

Kuroo Tetsuro: Netflix and Chill~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kenma Kozume: ...

Kuroo Tetsuro: KENMA!!! Are you even listening?!

Kenma Kozume: ...

Lev Haiba: *snatches Kenma's game* Ha.

So Inouka: You did NOT just take his game...

Yaku Morisuke: Lev, you idiot!

Taketora Yamamoto: This is gettin' real! I'll grab the popcorn!

Kuroo Tetsuro: You can have the game back, only if you do Netflix and Chill~ with me tonight.

Kenma Kozume: *kicks Lev* Or I can do that instead.

Lev Haiba: OWWW! You didn't have to do that!!! 

Yaku Morisuke: If he didn't, I would've.

Lev Haiba: 😭


Kenma Kozume: Don't wanna. 

Kuroo Tetsuro: But, but...

Kenma Kozume: And I know you wanted to watch Hello Kitty on Netflix...

Kuroo Tetsuro: ...

So Inouka: Bulls-eye~

Taketora Yamamoto: ^

Yaku Morisuke: We all knew.

Lev Haiba: We did?

Yaku Morisuke: I take that back, everybody but Lev knew...

Lev Haiba: YEAH!


And here is the next and maybe last one? I don't know if I'm going to do Dateko or not...

I swear, Kenma is so cute! And so is Lev. OH, but so is Yaku!!! AHH, THERE'S TOO MANY!!! I love all the Haikyuu!! characters!!!!

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