Royal high school

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Welcome to the Mystics High school of the Mystical Creatures where if you’re not powerful enough you better have friends to back you up or you will get eaten and spat out.  Literally!!!  Especially, since they opened the demon wing. But you don’t have anything to worry about if you can defend yourself.

This school is for those of the Elite of the supernatural and super hard to get into. Most of the royals attend this school. If you truly a royal whether it be Vampire, God, Witch, Demon, Angel, Werewolf.  Be sure to say the worlds when you invoke the spell to come here for the bus to get you: Patefacio ianua ut quis naked oculus cannot animadverto take mihi quo a regius.

That’s the letter that I got last week from the school.  Well more like my sister who takes after our grandmother and I just get to tag along due to my ‘exquisite’ lineage.  My name’s Evan I’m 17 and since my mother is Nyx and my grandmother is none other than the Goddess Hecate Queen of the witches I get to go to this uber cool school for the supernatural. It’s to help us hone our powers so that we can protect ourselves from our families many enemies such as the other royal families. But any who I’m the weak link in the family considering that my grandma pulled strings with Zeus himself in order to get me into the school.

My alarm clock goes off its 6:30 a.m. time for school to start yayy!!!! (I think dryly).  I get up and run into my bathroom, turn on the water to let it heat up and strip down to my boxers I turn and look at myself in the mirror I am not bad looking at all but I still feel a little self-conscious due to the fact that everyone that lives near me looks like an effin Greek God. Literally!!!!! Ugh we live in the suburbs of Olympus.  I hop into the shower and let the water take away my troubles I get out of the shower and wipe the mirror off and look at it “ugh I’m sooo not ready for this!!!” I groan to myself.  My image in the mirror begins to warp upon itself and then it says “Mirror mirror on the wall who is sexy, naked, and probably the wettest of them all?” I jump back looking down to see I forgot to grab a towel the image takes on the image of a chunky black boy with wild hair “OOOOOH it’s Evan chile” it giggles to itself I snatch the towel hanging off the rack and look at the mirror “Jermaine get your ass out of my mirror and how long have you been spying on me?” I scream at the mirror only to see my own frustrated image looking back at me.  “I just got here.” I hear a voice say from behind me. I spin around to see him giggling at me.  I roll my eyes “I told you I hate when you do that shit you know I can’t do anything to protect myself.” I grumble walking into my bedroom leaving him in the bathroom.  He walks seductively behind me and lies across my bed.  I feel a wash of lust come over me, as I am putting on my boxers I turn my head towards Maine “Will you stop that with the vamp shit you know I hate when you do that.  Besides, you know it doesn’t work on me.” I say with my hands on my hips. Well it works a little bit on me and if he had been I’d say 20 years older I wouldn’t be able to control myself.  I turn to see his eyes blacker than sin itself, his face contorted in confusion, anger, and disappointment.  “Well you can’t blame a girl for trying.” He shrugs and stands up and I hear a click of his fangs being retracted, “Sooo, what’s new?” he asks in a bored manner. “I’m getting ready for school, you already know that; shouldn’t you be getting ready too, instead of trying to take advantage of poor’ lil ole me?” I question raising an eyebrow.  See the thing with me and Maine is that we’ve been friends since as long as I can remember.  He isn’t like most vampires he isn’t conceited, spiteful, or controlling like some of his subjects.  His mother is the queen of the vamps. Plus we have a sorta kinda relationship??? We like each other but can never be together it could destroy the treaty between our families. Plus our moms are like Uber besties.  He snaps his fingers and a backpack appears out of thin air.  “I’m ready.” He says matter of factly; “I’m not the one that’s sitting here arguing in their undies sugar.” He smiles.  I snap my fingers and some skinnies a graphic tee and a black hat appear on my body. “Ready.” I say while sticking my tongue out at him.  “Damn I liked the other look better.” He says I grimace “boy please.” I say “what you’re a freaking Olympian by blood so you like sexier than fucking belief it should be a crime.” He says smartly. I go over to my bedroom door and open it to see my sister Ally coming out of her room her long black hair flowing behind her he dark brown bedroom eyes looking at Jermaine and I suspiciously.  “Well no wonder I kept hearing all those bumps in the room, you were getting busy with the vamp prince.” She said smiling harder than the Cheshire cat himself.  I babble trying to say something and Jermaine pops right in saying “Mmhmm you know your brother be putting it down on me.” He says airily.  “Bitch you know you not quiet while you getting it.” She retorts “the whole block would’ve heard you and part of the humans in the other realm.” She says cocking her head to the side. We stand there and we all burst into laughter. She comes over and gives Jermaine a bear hug and we run down the stairs to the kitchen to see both of our mothers talking to one another. “Hey “we all say in unison. And we turn to walk out the front door after we grab money.  We get out in front of the house to see that the sun is just starting to rise and my sister puts her hand out in front of her and it begins to glow blue a ball of swirling energy begins to form and her hair begins to flow and she says the phrase: Patefacio ianua ut quis naked oculus cannot animadverto take mihi quo a regius. The ball shoots from her hand and punches a hole in the sky; the wind begins to so hard that my hat flies off and my hair slaps me in the face that it actually hurts.  A vortex whips into the air and begins to suck us in, I feel myself lift off the ground and I’m sucked into the vortex for all of 3 seconds and I’m spat out into a bush landing awkwardly with my legs sprawled into two different directions. “I swear I hate traveling by vortex it never ends well for me.” I grumble getting to my feet only to see my sister land on her feet like a delicate flower; lastly I see Jermaine doing some acrobatics in midair landing in a crouch with his right leg extended. His eyes black like a predator, he stands brushes himself and looks at Ally and says “let’s do it again that was fun.” Smiling goofily he runs to me at vampire speed which is damn near a blur and picks me up and brushes the leaves out of my hair. “It wasn’t that bad Evan. Seriously you just have to work on your landings.” He laughs at my expense; I punch him in the arm and say “we can’t all be the prince of the African Vampires and land like they’re qualifying for the Olympics.” He rolls his eyes and starts to walk up the stairs and follow suit.

Royal high school ( on hold until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now