Comet's story

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Ever since the dawn of time there was Angelina. She was the goddess of stars, and she often granted wishes and performed miracles across earth. But even goddesses make mistakes. 

It was a cold and windy day, and a group of sailors were on an important mission to deliver goods to the queen. This was not to be taken lightly. The wind whipped up a grave storm, and the captain sailed their ship right into the midst of it! The waves were towering, and the crew was starting to fear that the ship was going to go down. The captain saw this as he was being viciously swung across the deck. He looked up to the sky and shouted out. 

"I only wish to live!" He cried. "Won't anyone up there help us!" The crew just shook their heads. Tears welled up in the captains eyes. "It can't end this way!" He screamed. One wave had nearly toppled the whole boat, when a White-blue light shone from the heavens upon the desolate ship. Angelina floated gracefully to the ground. She had stopped time. She came by the man who, amazed by her sheer beauty, bowed and thanked her. Angelina said. "I will save you and your crew, but you must give me something in return." 

"Anything." He said. So Angelina kissed him, for she saw the goodness in this man and simply could not help herself. If only she could. For the moon god,  Lon, had fallen hopelessly in love with Angelina, and when he saw what she had done, he was furious. So he cast a curse that would make it so she could never touch a mortal man again. For every time she touched a mortal, she would become impregnated with his child. 

So of course this happened right away. And once she found out she was terrified. It had been weeks since she saved the ship and she realized this while still on earth. She didn't know what the baby would be like, but she knew it would have some sort of power. After she had birthed the baby, she found the sailor that she had kissed months ago. She thought it only fair to let the sailor decide the fate of the baby. But, to her dismay, the sailor had found himself a pretty little wife to keep him company on the ship. And he hated the baby, so the second Angelina handed over the child, the wife grabbed the baby harshly and chucked it over the side of the boat. Angelina screamed and wailed as she watched the innocent baby slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean, the enchanted white dress Angelina given her shimmering through the mild waves. 

The crew laughed as the baby sank, and many shouted things like, "Hear hear!" and "Good riddance, ya' cursed wretch!" And the star goddess cried. Goddesses almost never cry. With blind rage, the goddess hurled a comet down at them, and it blew up their ship and everyone on it. She flew into the empty vastness of space. And that is how Comet came to be. For the story is of her. And this is where the true story begins.

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