Chapter 4

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She laid back in her tree, thinking of the boy who would return the next day. She decided to sleep and get some rest before jumping toward anything. When she woke there was a woodpecker pecking on her forehead. "Comet, the hunter boy has returned, but this time without his arrows!" Comet jumped out of her tree, her enchanted dress glimmered into her casual clothes and she sprinted after him only stopping to walk to him when she got close.

"Hello." She said a little hesitant. "You returned." The boy smiled at her. "Well I wanted to turn a new leaf with your, 'people'." Comet bit back a smile. "I suppose you would like me to show you to the apple tree." He nodded. "Unless you want to show me another fruit tree." He said jokingly. She shifted her weight to her left foot.

"Do you want to walk around the forest and learn where the fruit trees are?" She half offered. "That would be great." He said. They walked through the forest, Comet guiding him to where the different fruit trees were. They talked about their lives and how they became the people they are. "What's YOUR name?" Comet asked. "Xavier." He said smiling. "Ex-ay-vee-er." She said pronouncing every syllable carefully. "I like it." She said thoughtfully. "I like your name too, Comet. Its unique." He said nodding.

Comet guided him around the fig tree and back to another exit from the forest. "That's where all the fruit trees are." She said. It was a wonderful, but short walk. "It'll take some time to figure this forest out. I haven't lived here my whole life like you." He said honestly. "Well, I guess we'll keep walking this route until you figure it out." Comet said. "We'll call it 'The Fruit Tree Walk'." She said, certain of herself.

"Gee, where'd you come up with that one." He said with a playful smirk. He looked at where the sun was. "I'd better get going." He said, disappointed. "My parents will worry." He ran off. "Until tomorrow?" Comet shouted after him. Xavier whipped around. "Until tomorrow." He nodded then sprinted toward his village.

Comet ran back to her tree. She enjoyed having the company of Xavier. She loved the animals, but humans just have a better way of connecting with each other. She decided to do some yard/home work. She pushed the leaves out of her tree taking only the green ones in the area where she sleeps. She decided she would bring Xavier to her tree the next day, and that a basket of food would be waiting for him. She was glad to have her first human friend.

Comet ran through the forest, picking nuts and berries and wrapping them in large leaves and organizing them in a red wood basket. Placing them around the edge with fruit in the center. After the basket was organized she practically jumped into bed, closing down her eyes. "I hope he likes this." She murmured to herself. She layed down on her pile of leaves. Resting her eyes, then eventually falling asleep.

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