Things i tend to say

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"Because why not?" Both an example and a continuation of the words above

"Do you want to hear about (insert random science/video game topic)? Just kidding! You don't have an option."

(Assorted inhuman noises)

"POOF!!" I just scream poof when I fail in a video game. At least I'm not cussing.

"Sorry, what? I zoned out."

"My hair (is way to long/is lopsided/looks weird)."

"I don't think I'll ever be considered 'normal'."


"I'm a total (science/video game topic) nerd!"

"I want to do something, but I don't know what."

"Man, I feel like I'm the only person here who doesn't watch TV anymore."


"I'm gonna die alone, aren't I?"

"Can I get out gecko friend??" One of my teachers has two pet geckos, one of which I will be taking care of over the summer! I go to her classroom every morning, and after greeting her, those are my next words to her.

"Where's my pencil?"
"I love space."

"What time is it?"

"I talk to myself more than other people, don't I?"

"What if (an idea that seems unrealistic, but seems plausible with a bit of explaining)"

"I don't understand the point of make-up..."

When describing something, I tend to say either 120% or 200%. I don't know why.

Another describing one. I say a bit or a little a lot more than required. I'm working on breaking that habit though.

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