Tag, you're it!

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Oh no, I've been tagged! Again! I don't respond to tags most of the time, but I will just this once. Also, I won't make any promises about any of that information being accurate!

Name: Howlbymoon
Nicknames: howl, moon, blue, turtle, and some other weird things. Make your own and it'll stick!
Age: infinite, see next
Species: rainbow unicorn demon goddess who can shoot rainbows... I might have mixed it around a little
Looks: a shapeless, ever changing splash of paint
(I'm gonna throw this one in, just because I've been called a dude more times than a person would know)
Gender: female
Favorite color(s): purple and green! And yellow! And- *pouty huff* Too many!!
Favorite food: dill chicken and rice, sushi, egg drop soup
Race: I think German and Irish...?
Religion: don't really have one
Favorite animal(s): snakes, hawks, and wolves (oh my!)
Fear: the dark, syringes, stage fright, aggressive dogs, not being able to know, jellyfish, scorpions, being left out... list goes on. I'm a wimp.
Social media:YouTube, wattpad... that's it.
Favorite video game: uhmm..... Mario! Just Mario everything!
Fandoms:Mario, undertale,Hamilton.. maybe Pokémon?
Hates:musical.ly, makeup, people who think that THEY. ARE. THE. SHIT.
Loves:mustard, friends, theatre, art, music, candy, my bedroom, space, science
other: "so say there is a bag full of marbles. They're all the same size and color. You look away and reach inside. You pull out a jelly bean. I feel like that's the reasoning behind my existence."   -me earlier today

I don't have too many friends, and I know that the few that I do probably wouldn't appreciate a tag, so I'm just gonna... yeah

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