1st : Last Day.

19 0 13

*Tick tock* *Tick tock*

What I hear from the darkness. Noticing the sound of my ticking clock in a realm pure of black.

Wait... A clock? I thought to myself in a daze. As I sober myself for the incoming day ahead.

The surge of realization on the thought, made me open all my senses. Consequently, seeing the transformation of black to white.

As my vision adjusts, I seem to recall sleeping and the blackness in my dreamless state. I avert my thoughts to try recalling what day is it today.

In thoughts of recalling, I search my room for any clues. I look at the alarm clock on my right to see its only 4:50.a.m.

"Oh. Strange." I'm earlier than I use to wake up.

Seeing as I have 10 minutes till 5:00, I stretch my arms and yawn, putting my glasses from the nightstand I open my phone next to my digital clock.

Skimming through my calendar, I quickly see Thursday being crossed out making it Friday. A day before our so called Saturday small vacation.

"Friday huh? Time to go to school then."I say groggily.


A large sound can be heard as I drop my body out of the bed with a small thud to wake myself. Well you can see that I don't really wake the normal way. Besides I'm a little bit drowsy, so I needed the shock.

I stand from the ground and open the window. Hmm. Fresh air. Well not really, since I'm near Bacoor city in the Philippines. Then I guess, morning air? Moments later I close it again as burglary cases are frequent in this country.

I mentally sighed to myself, as I can't remember how talking to myself became a habit that I developed. Moving on, let's fix my room since I have a total of 7 minutes left before 5:00.

As I start to fix my bed, that is the only mess in my room. My mind seemed to float, like the old days of summer. I keep on imagining things that isn't real, or that will not happen. In other words, my own fantasy. Like perhaps meeting a popstar, or making my own TV show.

But ehh, that'll be in my dreams forever.

I got cut off by my alarm clock on my phone, blasting my favorite ballad song by an artist, or should I say, the one whose singing it.

"What happened today? It seems like you were crying."

I feel my face heat up, and the surge of adrenaline course through my body. All for the sake of turning my alarm off.

"Did he hurt your heart? You are the most precious person to me in the world."

Without a second thought, I rushed to my phone, and turned it off. I face palmed myself afterwards.

Why haven't I already turn it to a different song again? Well of course I haven't. Its her 1st covered song after all. I sighed for the second time of the day, seeing I'm hopeless in my state.

I decided to finish fixing my bed, and went to the closet to pick my uniform.

Let's see now. Friday. What to wear? Aha! I need my long white sleeve, a black necktie, and my navy blue pants. I went and grab my uniform, I also took a white shirt, my underwear, and towel. Laying my uniform on my bed, I walked straight to the bathroom for a quick shower in the morning.

Guess My Bias (HIATUS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz