Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Erica's POV

It had been a month since we had been captured and half a month since Mitch asked me out for the first time. He hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet which I was fine with. He can take as much time as he wants. After I got home that day I had been saved, my mom said that I couldn't live with her because she was worried for herself and Ally, my sister. Ally was outraged and moved out with me to Mary and Katie's house. Katie was 16 as was Ally and Mary was 18. My birthday was coming soon though so I would be free soon enough. One Saturday morning, I was woken up with someone jumping on my bed.

"Wake up Erica! Wake up!" Ally shouted at me.

"What's wrong Ally? What do you want?" I was never a morning person.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Mary and Katie jumped out of no where and tackled me.

I was all of a sudden awake. I was 18! My phone started ringing.

"Hello!" I said happily.

"Happy Birthday biggums!" Mitch shouted through the phone. There go my ear drums.

"Thanks Mitch!"

"Heyyy, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?"

"Of course Mitch I'd love to. Bye!"


I got so many calls that day. Isaac called me next and then my papa, both grandmas, and all of my aunts and uncles. Plus I got a call from every member of Team Crafted which every single call blew up up my ears. That afternoon, Mary, Katie, and Ally had me open my present. They had all pitched in and given me a little necklace shaped like an E encrusted with amethyst. I knew it wasn't my birthstone but it was so pretty. All day we went around town and just hung out. We were always more than cousins, we were best friends.

Pretty soon it was almost time for my date with Mitch. The girls helped me get ready and soon enough I was wearing a blue and purple dress that had a design to make look like blue and purple fire. My hair was up in a braided bun Mary made and my makeup was by Katie. Ally had made the dress.Before I left Mary told me one more thing.

"We have one more gift for you. We're going to Disney with Team Crafted!"

"Wait, really!?" I was so excited. We went to Disney when we were kids and loved it so much.

"Yup, we leave in a week."

Mitch drove over and picked me up. Before he drove off he blindfolded me.

"Mitch," I complained, "can you tell me where we're going?"

"Nope," he said confidently, "and no peeking 'till we get there."

It only took us about 5 minutes to get there and he untied my blindfold.

"Welcome to some fancy place Jerome said had good food!" Mitch proclaimed.

I got out of the car giggling a little bit. He looked extremely funny when he did that. Mitch took my hand and guided me into the fancy restaurant. WE talked and laughed all through supper and he took me for a walk after swinging my hand gently as we talked. After a while he stopped and said "Erica , would you give me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He brought out a bracelet from his pocket. It matched my necklace perfectly. "Yes, Mitch of course I will." I kissed him delicately and we walked back to the car and he drove me home. "Bye Mitch." "Bye Erica." Today was the happiest day of my life.

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