Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Today is the day, the last day of school. Looking around the halls, people laughing, talking. But when they see me, they all stop what they are going. It’s like they have never saw a pregnant girl before. I don’t care what they think. They don’t know my story or me. Heading to my last class; I could hear people saying things about me. I just hold my head up high. When I got there; I sat in the back and space out. "Can I do this?" I asked myself, hoping my wolf would talk to me.


The next thing I know is that the ring had ringed. Picking up my things, I walked to the bus. I sat down in the front of the bus; I could hear people talking shit about me. Sometimes, I wish people could hear my story and stop their bullshit, but I knew that it wouldn’t stop them. They would make more jokes about it. When I got off the bus, I saw a car sitting in the driveway. The car looked like I have seen it before, but I couldn’t think of where. Walking up to the house, I open the door. I could hear people talking in the baby’s room. I head to my room, putting my backpack down by the door. I head to the next room. Standing there talking to my parents was Mr. and Mrs. Moon. They were talking about me, like how I don’t shift, and how I just stop talking. Standing in the doorway, I watch them. Looking past my father, Mrs. Moon smiled at me.

"Hi, Luna. Alpha" I whispered. They all turn to look at me.

"Hello, Eve." My Alpha said, breaking the silence at had formed in the room.

"Is that my grandbaby in there?" Mrs. Moon asked me, looking at my belly and back to my face.

"Yea. Is he here?" I asked, looking around the room.

"He’s not here, and don’t know about the baby." Mr. Moon states. I had let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

"What are you guys doing there? I mean… Not that I don’t want you here are and all, but what brings you out there?" I run on, putting my hand on my lower back.

"They were hoping for us to go back to the pack. Lets take this in the living room." My mother puts out there. Standing there, I watched them. "Can I go back and face him?" I asked myself, hoping that my wolf would talk to me. We all head out of the baby’s room, and into the living room.

"I would love to come back home." I tell everyone in the room, and sit out on the couch.

"Good to hear, we will go back after the baby is born." My father tells us all.

"How far are you?" Mrs. Moon jumps in questions for me.

"I’m due any day now." I smiled and put my hand on my belly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Numb." I whispered to the air, looking down. My mother started to the questions for me. I stopped listening to them. I was just sitting the here, and when it happens. My water just broke. I started to panic.

"Mom, My water just broke." Escape my lips.

RejectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora