Chapter 21: You Will Regret This

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When they walked through the pathway that opened up when the mountain split to reveal, they had been expecting a great and vast Arena that would test the various candidates ans select them based on the scores they would attain.

It was a large patch of land that spread as far as their eyes could see and was completely surrounded by mountains on three sides. The mountains surrounding this place were all the same as the mountain they had come through.

They were all tall and majestic, with their peaks piercing through the cloud line and disappearing from their view.The height of these mountains was already so great and one could imagine the area of land they could could cover with their bases. And this place was surrounded by three of such mountains on the sides and it was still extending at the end of their visions!

When had they ever seen such majestic existences ever before in their lives?

"The tallest mountains that were regarded as the 'roofs of the world' on Earth could only be called as some dirt heaps before these mountains!" Azalon exclaimed in his heart.

But the area protected under the wings of these mountains was equally breath taking. The entire ground was covered with large trees and countless flowers that filled their eyes with an explosion of colors.

The branches and leaves of the trees and the petals of the flowers were swaying gently in the wind, giving the audience the illusion that the ground itself was rippling in the wind!

At the moment, a gently breeze suddenly blew over, bringing along the faint aroma of flowers that made anyone who scented it feel intoxicated.

Some petals and leaves dropped down from the branches of the trees and flowers and they were picked up by the flowing wind. Whether the petals were pure white, captivating red, or gloriously yellow... they danced with the wind and skies, filling the sky with extremely enchanting and beautiful scene!

The sky was completely void of clouds just above this area making the clear sunlight illuminate without any obstructions.

The bright sunlight reflecting off the countless colorful petals making them appear like clear crystals and gemstones instead of the normal and gentle flower petals. It was a very enchanting scene to watch, especially to them who grew up in the corners of the Empire!

Multiple small waterfalls fell down from the slopes and ridges on the huge mountains making the clear and pleasant sound of running water resound, further adding to the pleasant atmosphere.

The water accumulated at the bottom of the waterfalls overflowed into several small but clear streams that ran through the flower bed providing the land with the essential and natural irrigation!

Birds chirped from their nests on the trees and busy bees and butterflies flapping their big and colorful wings were busy visiting the numerous flowers savoring the sweet and bountiful nectar within those flowers, gave the already picturesque scene a unique and lively feel!

A light mist covered the entire area and it took only a few moments to know that this mist was actually Spirit Energy!

The Spirit Energy in this area was so rich that it actually coalesced to appear like a mist! The dense and rich Spirit Energy rolled in waves in the air and with every breath, the Spirit Energy rushed into their bodies, making them feel relaxed and peaceful, but bloated and content at the same time!

They felt that if they could cultivate in this tranquil and Spirit Energy rich environment, their cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds in a very short time!

Even their Spirits were extremely excited by the dense Spirit Essence present in the atmosphere due to the presence of bountiful Nature in this garden!! They immediately made various sounds as they tried to absorb the Spirit Essence in order to reach the next stage of their growth.

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