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Thank you so much @StrikingHopeless for the wonderful cover page. it really is beautiful.

Everyone knew. Everyone talked. Everyone stared. I didn't care what they thought I just needed to see Rosey. I hope she is okay.

I knew it sounded weird for me to suddenly be concern about her but I wouldn't want something like that to be broadcasted around the school. whatever happened in that video should have been kept private...and not known like this. I'm so clumsy!

"WHAT the hell Emily!" Shouted a familiar voice. I turned around and stared as Marlene ran towards me. "why would you do this. I didn't know you were like this!" she stormed. "I didn't.. well you see (and I explained what had happened)" I convinced. "Dick move i suppose" She proclaimed.

I didn't know what to do. Omg John. where is he? everyone must be mocking him or laughing that he got cheated on. "Well thankfully nobody knows that thats your email address." interrupted Marlene."Yeah thank God." I responded.

"Hey wanna head to the back of the school? I have some moves that you would like." said one of the fellow male students to Rosey. I knew that what was happening was wrong but she deserves it but she didn't really seem to care and I mean who would want to cheat on John.

all that is going through my mind right now is John's reaction. I really hope he is okay. I am desperate to find him. I hope I can be there for him. his all I can think about.

hey guys. sorry I'm not writing as much. but I promise I Wil make things up to you guys. please vote comment and share my book. ❤❤

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