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My dad was making me move in with him and his friend, so I have to live with a bunch of men. It's gross and who knows what they do?~

So I packed my things got everything ready yawned, and threw my things in the kitchen. My mom was making me breakfast, while I wait for my slow poking dad.

" he's as slow as ever~!!' I thought out loud "he always takes forever to do things!." I chowed down ony moms good food probably the last good food I'll have for a while.

My dad was never really a good cook, and he Burt food a lot.. Maybe he's stepped up his game since my mom left him!~

I yawned once more while picking up my fork, then rubbed my watering eyes and yawned yet again.

"You tired you can take a nap, I'll tell you wheifathers here!.~" my mother reassures me. She was always loving that's why I stuck with after the devorce, I also can talk to her about anything boys, secrets.. ~ anything!

Taking my eyes of the food I finished, I handed the plate to my mom and walked slowly up the stairs to my bedroom. I ploped down on my bed with a grin and took out my phone!.*

I went to Instagram and took a few pics.~ Snapchat checked in on my friends and my besti!! Live she lives, close to my dad so I'm looking forward to seeing her!!°°

"Honey! " my mom yelled loudly up to my room "you're dads here!!" I jumped out of bed and went to to the kitchen to grab my bags! ~ " bye mom!! Illis you!~" I told her with a hug. and kiss.

my dad helped me get my bags into his big sports car. How annoying!~ I thought " heyy!" I heard a male say from the front of the car. "Uh.~ hey!" I said back with a smirk.

"He looked back, smirking
At me "I'm franks son Caral~!!." He cooed while his big cute grin started back at me.

" cool and you must know who my dad is!?" I looked at him "yeah!." Be turned back around as my dad got in the car!

He blasted rap music on the aux cord!.  "Hey nice music, but could you turn it down a bit??" I had to yell!!~

My dad didn't seem to mind "sure anything for you?" He stuck his toung out at me.

"Whatever!" I giggled and I heard him give a little chuckle. My dad stopped somewhere for us to eat since it was a pretty long drive. four hours!!~

Thanks guys for Reading the first chapter!!~• I hope you'll enjoy the others!! Please vote if you liked!!ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ word count is 458

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