(1) I HATE Mondays!

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(Rose POV)

"Wakey Wakey Rosie!!!" I tumbled out of bed, startled at crackling of the walkie talkie.

I grumbled under my breath, "I hate Mondays..."

I heard a window open, and someone hopped inside.
"Mornin' Rosie! Did you sleep well?" Blake smiled brightly at me.

"Meh... I think you have wayyyyy too much enthusiasm for a Monday morning."

Blake's smile slipped right off his face. "Yea, my cheeks were starting to hurt. My mom looked so concerned when she came in my room this morning to see me smiling like a perfect child."

"If you were my child, I would be concerned too, especially if I knew for a fact that he hates Monday."

Blake's smile suddenly appeared again as he ran to me and gave me a hug. "I'm just excided to see my bestest friend in the whole world!"

"As much as I love you too, I know that you want something, so spill" I responded, not fooled by his enthusiastic act.

"Okay, okay, you got me" Blake said as he hung his head in shame.

"So, what do you want that you had to wake me up at-" I paused to check my clock. " -6:30 AM!!!!!! Are you nuts?!?! I need my beauty sleep!"

"Damn right you do!" Blake replied with a smirk.

"Come on, get dressed lets get breakfast at Joes diner before school, since we are early."

I gave him the stink-eye.

"I'll even pay!"

"It will take a lot more convincing than that."

Right now, it looked like Blake was getting desperate.

"We can stop at the corner store and get chocolate and soda!"

All of a sudden my face lit up like the government just announced that Christmas was now in the middle of August.

"And I'm sold! Let me just go and take a shower."

"Ok, I'll be waiting" Blake said as he lay down on my bed and pulled out his phone.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a white long-sleeve shirt, black leggings, and black  uggs. Then I walked to the bathroom, took a shower, and got ready for the day.

"So, you never told me why you woke me up so early in the first place." Right now we were in Blake's BMW, on our way to Joe's diner.

"I'll tell you when we get inside." Blake answered as he pulled up into a parking space.

I climbed out of his car and left my book bag inside.

As we walked inside, the waitress strutted over to us, well, mostly to Blake.

"Hello hot stuff, what can I get for you today?" She asked, leaning over the counter (A bit sexually, might I add).

"Um, what would you like Rose?" As soon as he asked that, the waitress whipped her head towards me so fast, I swear she got whiplash.

"I would like some blueberry pancakes and orange juice please." The waitress glared at me and turned to Blake sweetly.

"And what about you hottie?" She asked, moving closer to him.

"I'll just have the same as her." Blake replied, uninterested.

"Wouldn't you also want a piece of this bod  to-go?" She asked, batting her eyelashes and motioning to her body.

"No thanks, I think I'll pass. What is the total?"

The waitresses smile slid into a frown, and she replied with a monotone voice.
"Your total will be $10.30. Cash or card?"

"Card." Blake replied as he handed over his credit card. The waitress took it and handed me the drinks, and Blake the food.

"Enjoy your meal." She said with her voice void of any emotion.

As we walked over to our table, I whispered to Blake.

"Dude, you completely blew her off and her mood did a whole 180! I know you weren't interested in her, but at least you were polite!"

"Thanks, and you are right about not being interested in her, she acted like someone who would cheat within the first day."

"So, back on track" I said, as I poured syrup on a pancake. "What did you want to tell me that couldn't wait until later?"

"Oh yea, about that....."

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