Chapter 6

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"Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind." - William Shakespeare


"I thought you might be the one person who could tell me something...anything...I guess I was wrong," I spat at the girl. I was so fed up with all the lies, the secrets, the hiding. I walked out of the room leaving her to deal with her problems by herself. I slammed the door and jumped when I saw that Hardy and Spencer were standing two inches in front of me.

"Oh! Sorry!" Spencer looked down and moved out of my way and Hardy smiled at me sheepishly, patting me on the back.

"Thanks for bringing me up here," I nodded and left them in the hallway, turning the corner sharply and entering the elevator.

I was sitting in my car, thinking about the entire day's events. Aria and I had lunch, I showed her the picture, she knew something, it upset her, she left. Alison knew something, probably everything, and wouldn't tell me anything. I hadn't seen Marley hardly at all. I thought about Marley and sighed, shaking my head.

My daughter wasn't even my daughter.

Which brought on a whole other round of questions and thoughts.
What else had Alison lied about? What was she hiding? Why was she so scared of me finding out?

I shook my head, back to the events: I see Hardy and his girlfriend, Spencer, at the bar. I didn't get any of Hardy's e-mails. Spencer seemed familiar but I couldn't place where from. I met with Aria in the hotel room.

And just a few moments ago, she kissed me. I don't know why. I don't know how it even happened, but I kissed her back. Everything seemed perfectly right in those few, precious seconds, too; like we were supposed to be together. Something that I had never felt with Alison.

I suddenly felt nauseous. I had never, not once, cheated on someone, let alone my wife. But she cheated too, and she was lying about too many things at once.

I drove home in a haze and opened the front door silently, taking my shoes off on the 'Welcome' mat. I was walking past the living room to get to the stairs when I felt someone in the room with me. I slowly looked around the room, I couldn't see anyone.

But just as I was about to start walking again, the black ottoman zipped around and I almost let out a yelp as I jumped at the figure in the chair.

"Shit, Alison! You scared the hell out of me!"

She wore her hair in a ponytail, with two strands of hair left out, framing her face. Her arms were folded across her chest; she wore her pink, silk robe and her face looked smug.

"I've been waiting for you, Ezra."

I roll my eyes and ignore her as she gets up and follows me upstairs.

"Ezra, please! Just listen to me!" she pleas as I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was already midnight and it had been a long day.

"Ezra, I'm not going anywhere! You might as well just listen to me!" I opened the door when I was finished and she looked as though she were on the verge of tears.

"You lied to me, and you won't give me a straight, honest answer about anything!" I cried out, but it was a quiet cry so I wouldn't wake Marley.

"Ask me anything...I swear to you, I'll tell you the truth!" I looked at her skeptically and cleared my throat.

"Who was the girl in the picture, Alison?" I asked, she groaned and shook her head.

"I don't know, Ezra. You have to believe me!"

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