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Despite what people think, transgender people are born the exact same way as you were. I'm not a monster or a hybrid even though in my opinion that would be FLIPPING AMAZING!! But i am a transboy. Well, I'm pre-t, but still. This is basically all the different bull@!$# i have been through even though i know with my situation there is more to it than what i have already faced...but let's start from the beginning.
I was born a little beautiful baby girl on October 13th, 2003 in the "lovely" state of Georgia which makes me a confused 13 year old as of now. Just in case you were wondering, I was born on a Monday not a Friday:(. My stupid birth certificate says Jaz K.T. I love my name birth name and it's meaning (almighty), but I wish it was more masculine or unisex.I have been told i was a good baby and at the time i was the only child by my mother. We had a stinky little pug that was my only friend while I was just learning to walk and talk, but younger brother and sister were born and my whole life changed. My little sister was such a crybaby, but my brother was more like me...quiet and confused.
As I grew up, things started to change. I learned things like reading and tying my shoes at a very young age and my parents and most of my family look at me as a genius, but i do come from a very smart family.
When I was alone with my barbies they fascinated me. I don't really understand why, but they always did. It might have been the fact that they could kiss each other while i lived under a world that told me that was wrong. Yep, I was one of those weird kids that made their barbies make out. At a young age, I was different. I liked girls and admired my brothers. Since I was younger, I knew there was a difference between me and boys but i didn't know what. I just knew that i wasn't one. Did i wanna be called a boy, live up to the expectations of a boy, and wear the different underwear? HEŁŁ YEAH! But I didn't know how to cross that line between a girl and a boy, so i gave up on that small dream for years. It was just a stupid memory that I wanted to forget because in my young mind it couldn't be achieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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