A Legacy's Life

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Percy woke, the now familiar way of getting his hair pulled nearly of his head by his son.
"Lucas", he said tired "what's the opposite of gray?"
"Gray!" he said joyful that his dad had woken up.
"Exactly," he said his voice raising to a yell "so if wake me up like that again next time, all your food is going to be grayish red instead of grayish blue."
"Dad, you say that every time," Lucas said matter of fact like, "mom said to tell you to dress yourself and come to the table for breakfast I have to be at school in half a hour," he walked out the room his hands at the back of his head.
He sighed got out of his bed and stretched and walked over to his closet opened the sliding door and pulled out a light blue shirt and black jeans and threw them on.
He was too lazy to put on shoes he just slid on black Adidas slippers and walked out the room to the bathroom across still to tired to make out anything, but the sink he walked over to it washed his face dried his face with towel and walked out.
In the living room and saw Lucas in a navy blue shirt and gray sweatpants, Annabeth was in the kitchen a gray apron over a pink blouse and light gray yoga pants she was placing another blue pancake on a stack, she turned off the fire and brought the stack of pancakes and a plate with bacon and scrambled eggs in it to the table.
She sat down next to him. He got plates for the three of them and handed them each one.
"Thanks for the food," he said and kissed Annabeth on the cheek.
"Don't do that in front of me,"Lucas said picking up his fork.
"Don't do what," he asked innocently.
"PDA (Public Display of Affection)," he said and bit of piece of a bacon strip.
"How'd you learn that term."
"What do you think I do when you sleep."
"Sleep," he tone changing from curiosity to threatening.
"Yeah definitely."
"Good" he said and inhaled his food.
He got up from the table and walked to the couch and collapsed into it toke out his phone and stared at it aimlessly for a good five minutes, then someone rung his doorbell he walked over to it and swung it open. Messy black hair. Obsidian eyes. Nico di Angelo, standing next to him his wife now Reyna di Angelo.
"Hey Praetor of the Twelfth Legion of New Rome and her husband."
"How do you adress her and not me," Nico said seeming hurt.
"Hey H&M model, where's Lucas?" Reyna said
"I'm right here Auntie Reyna," Lucas said taking his last piece of bacon and running to the doorway to retrieve his hug, Nico patted him on his shoulder, Lucas was basically a mini version of me with blonde hair and Annabeth's intellect.
Annabeth walked into the room ,Percy was finally completely awake and he was in a good mood.
He grabbed Annabeth by the hand and started to sing and dance.
"And I'm singing like girl you know I want you're love.Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, don't mind me,I'm in love with the shape of you we push and pull like a magnet do."

They stopped dancing. Nico had a look of pure astonishment on his face and smile was creeping up, Reyna just looked confused until Nico grabbed her and took the same steps as Percy they finished, looked at Lucas and he looked like had finally found something he couldn't comprehend he started walking out the door as if that was a better solution Nico, Annabeth and Percy quickly followed understanding that he was walking to school, leaving Reyna to clean the house.
They got to his school on foot in ten minutes, school looked like it was about to start. I gave him a hug and Annabeth gave him a kiss in the forehead, Nico waved to the other kids in Lucas' grade, they turned around and started walking back the way they came.
"I see you back at the front of the building,"
Nico said and sank into the shadows. Shadow traveling. Nico had come over because they seven involved in the prophecy including Nico had to give a speech to the new campers at the end of each month, today was June 30 speech day.
"What about Lucas," Annabeth asked interrupting his thoughts.
"What about him."
"Monsters," she said simply
"Annie he's eight, he has three years before he has to deal with any of that, monsters only find you when you show powers or are of age, on top of that he's a legacy not a demigod."
"First of all my name is Annabeth not Annie," she said irritated "second Lucas' school has a pool and if he gets mad near it might explode, did you forget he studies Greek mythology as a hobby he'll assume you're Poseidon and that he's a demigod." She took a deep breath.
"Third being just a legacy didn't stop didn't stop Octavian from going insane and killing himself on accident."
"Fine, how do you even calculate a legacy." he said ceasing once Annabeth had a reason to argue you should just give up.
"Well you according to the Punnett squa-"
"Wise girl english."
"If you paid attention in 6th grade science it would be english," she flicked his forehead.
"It's not my fault I'm a demigod!"
"Anyway, basically what I was saying was that he can be four things a human, a legacy, a demigod, or a god which is least possible, imagine a square divided into four parts on top of the top squares are capital G and lowercase g, capital G meaning god and lower case g meaning human on the sides of the side squares capital and lower case g, the square where the two capital Gs meet would mean that Lucas would be god with the genes of Poseidon and Athena, which would explain why no monsters have attacked him, no monster would willing attack a god."
"When capital g and lower case g meet, which is twice he would have a 50% chance of being a demigod with my human genes and Poseidon's genes or having your human genes and Athena's genes, and the area where are human genes meet he would just be a regular human."
"You only explained how he could be a demigod, human, or a god, how can he be a legacy?" he asked pretty much comprending what she was saying.
"I was getting to that, or the genes can be codominant meaning he just shares both of are traits, making him a legacy."
"Well I've seen him get angry while I was washing plates and I had to change my whole outfit after, and he has the intelligence of a child of Athena, so he's either a god or a legacy."
"We'll find out," she said with a sigh.
They had reached the front of their apartment, in the street was a black jeep with ghostly gray wings on its sides siting in the passenger step was Nico and in the driver seat was the bubbling figure of Hermes as if he didn't know whether to take human form or look like a driving bubble bath.
He turned at smiled them,"Get in the back the others are already at camp readying the speech."
Percy found no reason for them to be readying anything they had given the same speech every month for three years.
He got in the back Annabeth followed, the car lifted off the street flying off through the sky on its way to the Camp Half-blood any citizens on the would get their views blocked the Mist and make them think the car was never there.
They soon arrived at Camp Half Blood they viewed the population of the place they used to call home.

It was gym at school and the gym had a pool where they learned how to swim, the teacher, Ms.Mercy a kind woman with black hair and onyx told them to change into their swim attire. He peeled off his sweatpants off and his shirt, he sat at the edge of the pool feet in it waiting for the other students to get changed, Molly one of his friends sat down next to him, she was in a pink bathing suit she didn't seem particular fond of, her blond hair tucked into her bathing suit, gray eyes peering into the water, the next person to come sit beside him was his friend Mosey. Molly and Mosey tired to avoid each other like the plague, in unsuccessfully though since they were both friends with him, they had similar eyes and Mosey had black hair. Most kids had changed now they got up and were walked around the pool to see who got to go in first they had to make a line by the Ms.Mercy, he was walking over to Ms.Mercy when .......his foot slipped, he fell and sank into the pool. It's okay the bottom is far. He thought to himself, but he seemed to keep failing deeper and deeper, the odder thing was ......he wasn't drowning he could still breath easily and the water around him nice instead of life threatening.
He decided it would be best to go to the surface before someone did something rash, as he was swimming up a golden antlers dipped into the pool and nearly impaled him he moved out the way at the last minute as he was reaching out of the pool he put hands on the edge of the pool and pulled himself up to the edge he saw no Ms.Mercy in sight in her place was a giant deer with gold two sets of gold antlers and shiny gold eyes.
Most kids had fainted out of fear the only still were Mosey and Molly and they had minor injuries as if the deer tried to stab them but barely missed.
"Run!" he said shouting his first instinct.
Bolting out the door of the gymnasium friends in tow, deer a stone's throw away.
They bolted down a corridor taking a left towards the exit of the school, they burst through the exit, they were graced with Reyna's presence who must have been waiting for Lucas to finish school.
"What the.....!. Why are you."
"Don't ask just run!," he yelled as the deer broke through the doors of the building that clearly weren't it's size.
They ran as fast they could, no direction in mind.


Percy Jackson X Annabeth Chase becomes Lucas' Misadventures Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz