I Catch A Flight at Old Faithful

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We were about to make our way to over to Old Faithful, when I observed Jal had a bag now. (His bag had been burned up in the fire.)
   "Where did you get that?" The obvious question, I pointed to the bag.
   "Oh my dad gave it to me, said there was something I could use in it," Jal dug into his bag and a wicked smile spread across his face.         
    He pulled out a 6 foot scythe made of pure stygian iron with a leather handle and it glowed purple like Tre's sword.
   "Woah," I said, I looked back at the bag and wondered how the scythe had fit.
   "This is amazing. A weapon that feels right,"
He fished the daggers from his hoodie and tossed them into one of the scalding pockets of water. Probably never to be touched again.
Tre pulled out his own sword excitedly. "Now we match!" Jal nodded.
"Alright let's put the weapons away." I told them."

   As we walked down the path towards Old Faithful Tre started asking questions again.
"What makes you think he'd help you anyways?" It was a perfectly reasonable question.
   I pulled the mini sun that I'd got from Hyperion out, I almost forgot it was there. "I already got help from a titan."
   "Woah," Tre stared right into, I could already imagine him with glasses. "If you could get help from Hyperion you could get help from anyone."
   "What do you mean?"
   "You mean you don't know?" Tre shot me a puzzled look. "Percy fought Hyperion, once upon a time when he bore the curse of Achilles, pretty sure he beat him too. If Hyperion can look past that you're Percy's son, I'd say our chances are pretty good."
   That was a little piece of info my dad didn't tell me, maybe he didn't want to encourage me to pick fights with any titans or go for a dip in the Styx.
   "Why do you know this and Lucas doesn't?" Mi interjected. "Oh, I learned it from my dad."
   "Why does your dad know that stuff? Does he have a crush on Lucas' dad or something." Mi joked.
   "Well he did," Tre said like it was no big deal. I knew this one though, my dad still couldn't get over how Nico said he wasn't his type. Like it was the worst insult he'd ever heard.
   It's one of the reasons I was surprised when I first saw Tre, I thought Nico and Reyna were just really really good friends.
   "I thought he was gay," I said bluntly. Mi and Jal were just registering what they'd heard earlier, with looks of pure confusion on their faces.
   "Apparently he was, he dated this guy from the Apollo cabin, Will Solace I think. He told me it was just a phase and he got with my mom later." I nodded.
   "So Lucas, were you parents big heroes or something?" Jal asked.
   "Big enough that the gods offered my dad immortality, but they did the same with Hercules and now we're on this quest so."
A wicked thought crossed my mind.
What if my dad had chosen immortality after all? I'd be a demigod after all, that is if my dad stayed with my mom. There'd probably be no shortage of women for him.
My dad was pretty young too, but I thought about what he would look like as an even younger, teenager and a god. I imagined him with that overwhelming aura that the gods had and decided it didn't suit him, not a cool guy like my dad.
Immortality didn't sound too great either, having to watch all the people you love pass away doesn't exactly sound like the best time. They say you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain, what if that happened to my father and he ended up like Hercules.
"I hate it here, too many trees," Mi's voice brought me back to Earth, probably because I was addicted to it.
"Most New Yorkers like it better in the city," I agreed. They had little conversations like that all the way to Old Faithful.
It was turning dark by the time they got there and a lot less people were around. The geyser was surprisingly unprotected, very unsafe but perfect for what I was about to do. I could feel the boiling water gushing around beneath them and it was almost time for the geyser to erupt. I walked over to the geyser and prayed, to no god specifically, that I wouldn't get eighth degree burns from this.
Then I stepped over the geyser and it erupted. I heard a shout from my friends as I escalated into the air, I wasn't burnt or injured somehow, but I was spiraling into the air at crazy speeds.
My friends looked like ants as I got higher and higher, to the point where the ground was barely visible. I was so high up I felt like I was among the stars.
I realized that was because I was among the stars. I had stopped going up too, though I wasn't falling either. I was in a box like space in the sky.
It was black hole dark, littered with millions of little bright stars. Maybe this wasn't the sky, what if I just died? The thought was almost as dark as the space, hardly impossible though. A voice spoke in my ears spoke, but I didn't recognize the language. I half expected Thanatos to show up, he didn't, instead the stars and darkness of the space compressed together and formed into a tall man at least seven feet, with flowing black hair and a beard. He wore a traditional greek toga and he gave off an aura even more intense than the Olympians.
The man spoke again this time out loud and I still couldn't translate it. The man cleared his throat and began speaking in greek, something I could understand.
"State your business here child !" I was really getting tired of immortals calling me child.
"My name is Lucas, I want your help, would you be Ouranos?" The being didn't respond for a moment, then he laughed so loud he made Zeus sound like an infant. I wonder if ear drum surgery exists?
"Who else would I be? If that's all you came for I should just send you back to the ground!" Ouranos bellowed.
"No!" I pleaded. "I mean please don't do that. Like I said, I need your help,"
"You fly up into MY domain asking for MY help." I started looking for an quick escape. "Interesting." Ouranos stroked his beard thoughtful, I noticed he looked strikingly similar to Poseidon.
"I'm sorry! I'll just lea- wait what?" I stared dumbfounded at Ouranos.
"Truth be told, I've been bored to fading here," Ouranos waved his hand and two recliners formed out of the stars and he plopped down in one. I fell into the other as I had still been in midair this whole time. "I could do with some entertainment, I remember watching Kronos and Gaea lose to the demigods. How far they've fallen, serves them right for doing this to me. After all these millennia I still can't reform." I nodded encouraging him to rant all he wanted.
"I'll help you Lucas, under one condition you have to show me why I should help you."
If I hadn't argued with Tre prior to this I might've been grasping for straws, instead I grasped the small sun Hyperion had given me and presented it to Ouranos.
"Ugh, that back stabbing Hyperion huh. Fine, what do you want from me?" This was too easy, Hyperion's little sun was like a cheat code to a game only on medium difficulty.
"Can you curse Hercules for me?" I asked hopefully. Ouranos blinked at me like I was dumb for asking such a question. "I don't know if I've regained enough of my powers yet."
"Really?" So much for that master plan.
"I jest. It's done I have cursed the god, anything else." I glared at the him in disbelief. He'd done it. Just like that. It dawned on me how scary powerful Ouranos would be at full strength.
"Thanks, I truly appreciate it." I said gratefully.
"I think I like you Luc-," mid sentence Ouranos scrunched up his face, like he smelled something rotten. "That sword," he pointed to Backbiter "Give it to me." Without question I threw the sword over to him. He studied the half and half blade with disgust. "Kronos' blade for certain," he dragged his finger from the hilt to the tip of the blade, then threw the sword back at Lucas landing it in the sheath, barely failing to impale me. "I sense Kronos lives on in this blade. I've unlocked the blade's true potential, when you need you'll know how to use it. One last thing." Ouranos stood up and his person became a small hurricane, the size of Hyperion's sun.
"Take me with you!" The hurricane said.
"Whattt?" He must be crazy.
"The years of solitude have been hard and I require entertainment. I would like to see your adventures and I will deactivate the curse if you don't bring me." Ouranos threatened.
"How am I going to explain this to my parents?" I muttered under my breath.
"What was that?" Ouranos boomed.
"Nothing, I'd be honored."
"Great!" Ouranos the hurricane turned into a hurricane pin and attached itself to my shirt.
"Alright great-great grandpa, let's go!" The space dissolved around us and we plunged from the sky.

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