We Get A Push To California

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I don't know about you, but plunging out of the sky at a thousand miles a second is not my idea of a perfect afternoon.
Thinking Ouranos would've protected their descent, I hadn't thought of how I'd actually survive the drop. I wanted to yell to Ouranos to do something but the words caught in my throat. What if he couldn't? Ouranos was powerless for millennia, why would he gain back his powers now?
The ground was approaching fast, soon I could make out my friends. I couldn't see their expressions from so high up, something tells me they weren't smiling though.
There wasn't a thing I could do.
I closed my eyes and braced for the impact. I stopped falling, opening my eyes disbelief spread that I wasn't a pancake right now. I suspended just above the ground. My friends seemed to share my disbelief.
They all looked like they were attending a funeral. Mi had her hands covering her eyes, when she didn't hear a splat she peeked through her fingers. The three of them looked at each in shock then smiles spread across their faces and they did a group high-five.
"Thanks," I said.
"For what?" Mi asked. I stared at her dumbly for a second.
"Wasn't it your child of Boreas powers that saved me?" I asked confused.
"I didn't do anything," she shook her head. "Nothing I could do would've saved you from that fall. I thought you did something Lucas." She paused. "You are Lucas, right?"
This only added to my confusion. Who else would I have been besides Lucas? I registered that now I looked over Mi's head, something I definitely couldn't do before. My friends' smiles distorted into the frowns.
"Now that you mention it," Tre took notice. "You're taller and your faces looks more mature," Tre sounded upset about this.
I was about Jal's height now, Jal was fifteen and I was at least half a foot taller than Tre now who was twelve and 5'4. Before me and Tre were the same height. I was a whole head taller than Mi.
I'd grown half a foot. As tall as a teenager.
"How did this happen?" Mi said sounding more interested than displeased. She traced her fingers from my neck to my hand and held it.
"It was me!" Ouranos bellowed. Mi, Jal and Tre noticing the pin for the first time.
"Did your shirt just talk?" Jal asked.
"No!" Ouranos sounded like he couldn't believe the disrespect. "It was me! Ouranos, Father of The Titans! Lord of the Heavens! Being in my presence for so long made Lucas grow rapidly." Ouranos said like it was good news, like I hadn't lost a decent proportion of my childhood.

   The third line of the prophecy came to mind. The yellow stone brings growth. It wasn't cryptic at all, it meant literal growth and for better or worse he'd gained the father of the titans as his companion.

  "Did you save me too?" I asked Ouranos.
  "I did nothing of the sort. I used whatever was left of my power to curse the Hercules boy."
   The question hung in the air but didn't need to be asked. Who had saved him?
   As if reading our minds a voice answered. "I'll take the blame for that." A sturdily built man with a snow white suit stood off to the side of the group. Despite the distance the man still made me cold, all of us expect Mi shivered a bit. Dark purple wings spread out on the mans back. His long hair and shaggy beard were frosty white and laden with icicles.
   All of the seven had told me their stories, so I knew the god was familiar but I couldn't quite fish his identity out from the sea of gods. Mi's face held a sudden disgusted look and she dropped his hand.
   "I appreciate you not letting me pancake on the ground," I noted that I found myself thanking gods and titans a lot. "Um, who are you again?" I asked trying not to sound disrespectful.
   "She knows," he replied, pointing to Mi. Standing next to her I felt a chilliness similar to the god.
   "Dad," she spat. "What are you doing here?" So it was Boreas, god of the north wind and winter. That explained the chill he was getting from Mi, frost was spreading at her feet and she was visibly angry. It was an emotion I hadn't seen on her before and hoped not to see again.
   "Is that anyway to address your loving father who's come all the way from Quebec to save your little boyfriend." Boreas caught himself. "Well I guess he's not little anymore, is he. About fifteen if I had to say, your age," he pointed out.
   What he said delighted me. The realization that me and Mi were the same age meant... everything. There would be no reason now that he couldn't date Mi, his middle school years seemed like a small price to pay.
   Mi laced her fingers into his again and he almost wished she didn't, they were ice cold.
   "Loving," Mi laughed like it was a old joke. "This is the first time I've talked to you in 8 years! You left me and mom by ourselves and me without a father."
   "Ah, your mother how I long to see her. If she just moved to Quebec like I as-" Mi cut him right out.
   "Moved to Quebec and what? Uproot our entire lives and start over!" She yelled.
   Tre, Jal, and I just stood there looking dumb and not knowing what to make of the conversation, even Ouranos was silent probably the best entertainment he's had in a while.
   "Child I didn't come here to quarrel with you tonight." Boreas relented, anger slowly creeping into his voice.
   "Of course you didn't, you never come for me," Mi muttered but Boreas went on.
   "I came to help on your quest, first by saving Lucas and second by sending you off to California."
   "Wait, how did you know we were going there?" I asked.
   The god smiled "There are few things the wind doesn't hear Jackson." Without warning the god raised his hand and they flew up into the sky then they began soaring west, towards California.
  "Safe travels heroes," Boreas shouted from the ground. "Don't die."

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