Star Stuff

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It was late at night the same day, and everyone had gone to sleep except for Matt and I. We were staring at the ceiling of our tent, trying to sleep, but couldn't. Matt sat up, and shook me gently.

"Edd... Wanna go on a walk?"

"Sure..." I sat up and threw on a hoodie, walking out in my pajama pants. Matt followed in similar fashion, taking me down a trail.

"It's really peaceful out here..." He took in a deep breath of the cool air.

"It is.." I held his hand and he led me to a small clearing. He laid down and looked up at the stars.

"God, aren't they amazing?"

I laid next to him, watching the stars near the moon. He nudged me and pointed up at the sky. "We're made of that."

"What..?" I looked at him, extremely confused, quite sleep deprived. "What are you talking about?"

"The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff."

"Alright, where'd you get that quote?"

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for Cosmos." He laughed, letting the small pieces of grass stick through his hair. "Y'know, I was thinking about what I was going to do after high school... You think I should go into something with astronomy? Maybe astrophysics?"

"Well, why not? You seem really passionate about that stuff. Plus, it always makes you light up when you talk about it." I turned on my side, looking at him. "If you think it'll make you happy, go for it!"

"You sound like one of those inspirational posters in a counselor's office. I love it." He looked over at me. "What do you want to do after highschool?"

"Well... I haven't really thought about it... Maybe animation? I've always been into art, so I think I'd be good at animating."

"Ooh! That sounds fun!" He sat up, looking at me and leaning back. "We should talk about it tomorrow, though. I'm getting pretty tired, and I can tell you are too." He smiled and stood, pulling me up with him. "You ready to head back?"

"Yeah, just... Just a minute..." I leaned on him and faked falling asleep, though it was nearly real. Matt picked me up and carried me through the woods to the campsite and brought me into the tent, setting me down. I clung to him a bit, whining when he let me go, and curling up a bit due to the cold. I opened my eyes and saw Matt grabbing his hoodie and putting it on me.

"Nooo! You'll get cold!" I mumbled, weakly trying to take it off.

"I don't want you freezing out here!" He whispered, trying not to wake the others. "I'll be fine."

"Matt! Come on!" I sat up, but he got under his blanket before I could even take off the giant hoodie. "Well, let's compromise." I laid down next to him and moved close. He put the blanket over me and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and had nearly fallen asleep before he spoke up.



"I love you."

"I love you, too." I relaxed, and eventually fell asleep.


I opened my eyes to a black void, and my wrists were bound to a wall. I looked around and saw Matt sitting on what was apparently the ground, sobbing. Whatever was holding me back released me, and I stumbled forward. I ran to him. He shrieked, and moved quickly away from me. He had a black eye, and some red marks across his body.

"W-What's wrong? What happened?" I knelt down and looked at him. He pulled his knees to his chest, staring at me and crying. He didn't say a word, and I moved closer to him. I pulled him into a hug and he held onto me, terrified. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here."

I held him close, and all was calm before the silence was shattered by a bloodcurdling shriek.


I awoke, gasping for air, petrified. Matt was awake already. He had noticed I was panicking in my sleep and sat up, hugging me and rocking me back and forth. He looked at me and moved my hair out of my eyes.

"Are you okay? You seemed pretty scared..."

"Yeah... Yeah, just a nightmare..." I tensed up a bit, and he rubbed my head, which calmed me down. I realized it was light out, and I stretched a bit. Matt let me go and I stepped out of the tent, seeing Tom and Tord loading things onto the RV. "We're leaving already?"

"Storms are moving in. If we don't leave today, all the supplies will be wet." Tom went to help Tord fold up the tents and I helped them gather things together. Matt took our things and put them in the RV and helped his mom clean up.

I walked to Tord, who was leaning on the RV and watching Tom. "So... Tord... It's almost the end of the school year, we've got about a month and a half left... What are you planning on doing afterwards? You heading back to Norway?"

"Well... My guardians back home have considered moving out here. They've got the money, but I'll most likely be gone for about 2 months before we're able to move."

"You going to keep up your relationship with Tom?"

"Yeah. We've discussed it already, we'll try to call as often as possible. I'll probably call before I head to bed, which will be around the time he's coming home from school."

"Sounds like you've had this planned for a while. You better call me, too." I grinned and ruffled his spiky hair.

"Don't worry, I will." He grinned and walked to Tom, who was loading the last of our things up. Matt snuck up on me and hugged me from behind, making me jump.

"Babe! You scared me!"

"Sorry!" He laughed and I leaned on him, still a bit tired. A few hours had passed as we had trouble with the tents, but we got onto the RV and started on our way home.

We Are Made Of Star Stuff (Eddsworld Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now