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We love the night
When the sun falls
Beneath soft hills
And the moon
Rises into the sky,
There is no one
Left awake
But the stars
And the shining moon
To see us fall apart.

We pick apart
The bones and ash
Of our skeletons,
The stained glass shards
Of our souls,
For the hope
And the joy
We so long for.

Every night
We pick ourselves apart
Only to wake in the morning
And put ourselves
Back together again
Under the golden light
Of the rising sun.

We learn to love the moon
In all
Its cratered beauty,
Every night,
It is there
When we expose ourselves
To the night sky.

And yet,
After seeing every piece
Of our broken souls,
The moon still smiles down,
Every night,
Loving us
When we are unsure
How to love ourselves.

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