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Did you know
That you can cry
From any emotion?

Tears are not reserved
For simply sadness

Any time you have too much of one emotion
Your body empties it out
In the form of tears

Too much sadness
Leads to tears

Too much joy
Leads to tears

It makes sense
That the human body
Can't cope with too much emotion
And so
Like any scale
It must balance itself out

It makes sense
That you can only really feel
One emotion
When you cry

Why brides cry at their weddings
As they are overflowing with joy

Why children cry
When they cut their knees
As they don't know how
To hold all of that pain

Why then
Do I cry the way I do?

I cry
And then I stop
And yet even crying
Can't rid me
Of all that hurt
And pain
And so I keep crying
And crying
And crying

And crying...

Until I run out of tears.

How do you do that?
Run out of tears?

Have so much pain that
You just

You just kind of
Under it all
And you have no tears
Left to give.

I guess that makes me strong

Why do I feel so weak?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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