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(oswald cobblepot and edward nygma)

Oswald simply wanted to take over the world, but mostly Gotham.

That night he shoved Fish Mooney off the ledge and into the sea was the greatest moment of his life!

But, one issue...

A sidekick.

That's simply what he needed.

No lovey-dovey bullshit like Fish and Butch..

A murderous sidekick.

An insane sidekick!

Somebody who knows how to get away with vicious crimes...

"Nygma." Oswald lets Edward's last name roll off his tongue, bitter.

He had never really liked Edward in the first place.

That one day he met him at the Gotham City Police Department...

Those fucking riddles!

Ugh, how neurotic.


(arkham asylum)

"I would like to see Edward Nygma, Dr. Strange." Oswald smiles bitterly, rethinking his decisions.

Why the hell would he choose Nygma?

Out of any other person!

He has Butch, though.

But Butch is useless.

Anyways, he got his hand cut off.


"Nygma? As in, Kristen Kringle murderer? Good sir, Cobblepot! I-I don't think you'd like to see hi-"

"Shush. Will all means, Dr. Strange. I'd like to see him." Oswald folds his arms, impatient.

"I-" Hugo Strange sighs, "Sure thing, Cobblepot. This way."

He leads Oswald to a very secure cell, sighing once they make it.

"Nygma. You have a visitor." Dr. Strange knocks lightly on the cell door.

"Inside." Edward's creepy voice echo's the hallways of faded screaming and laughter.

Hugo hands Oswald a key, which he easily takes.

He then opens the cell door, walking inside.

"Hello, old friend." Oswald coos, smiling bitterly.

"Oswald? What the hell are you doing here?" Nygma tilts his head, clearly confused.

"I'm here to see you, of course!" Oswald laughs bitterly, sitting on the very uncomfortable bed in front of Ed.

"A nightmare for some. For others, a savior I come. My hand's cold and bleak. It's the warm hearts they seek. What am I?" Edward smiles brightly, his eyes lighting up.

"Nygma-" Oswald growls, "You know I hate-"

"Death." Edward giggles, pushing up his glasses.

"That was a stupid riddle." Oswald rolls his eyes, putting his hands in his lap.

"But you liked it, my little penguin!" Edward softly taps Oswald's nose, making him blush a tad bit.

"I'm not a penguin." Oswald snarls.

"Yes you are! Penguins limp, silly!" Edward laughs.

Christ, he was truly insane.

But smart...

"So, what do you need?"  Edward smiles, curiosity in his eyes.

"I wanted to know if you'd, um..." Oswald shakes his shoulders a little, biting his lip. "Be my sidekick? I know, it sounds crazy. But I could reward you with so much, Edward. So much." He says softly.

"A sidekick? Hell yeah! Anything to get out of this place." Edward smiles wider.


(weeks later)

"And I, Oswald Cobblepot, will be your new mayor!" Oswald bows as people cheer and chant.

He then walks offstage to Edward, who hugs him. "I knew you could do it, boss." He smiles.

Oswald just stays there, not hugging Ed back.

He felt...


"And I knew you could help me, friend." Oswald sighs.

"Hey, boss...I um-" Edward shuts his mouth once he feels Oswald's lips on his.

Edward slowly does it back for what feels like forever.

Christ, he had never kissed a guy before.

Oswald pulls away, smiling.

He stands on his tip-toes, whispering in his head.

"I'm the mayor now, baby."

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