The Heart I Call Home

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Hey guys! Im really excited about this story or story idea whatever. Its still in its early stages so this really is just a 'draft' thing so I might add more as more comes to mind.


She walked alone in the dark and cloudy night. The night seemed to wrap around her with its cold hands. The sky so dark and so gloomy above her spread a wave of hopelessness through her. She thought about life and how meaningless it was. She thought about all the places she wanted to go. Everything seemed vain and meaningless, her thoughts, her dreams, her being, everything. She had often come across this feeling, always finding a way to find joy beyond the pain. Tonight was different. There seemed nothing in this world worth the trouble. After all nothing is ever built to last. Everything eventually fades away. She knew this to be fact from experience.

How many people had told her they loved her? Countless. But none really did in the end and none will ever. She had lost everything. She was completely alone in this world. Yes her life seemed to be perfect but she was not happy. Perfection can be perfect hell sometimes. Everything was in her reach yet nothing really was.

She began to walk faster. Her destination set. She walked past the empty streets. The closed corner shop, the ancient church. There was no hint of civilisation. Haylie finally arrived at the near by park and approached the swing and slowly swung back and worth. The loud sound of the rusted swing as it moved back and forth seemed to completely consume her. The sound was soothing to her, it made her feel at rest. She closed her eyes and listened. Cold but refreshing wind blew across her face. She could hear the grass dancing in the wind and could hear the movemennt of the distant cars, smell fresh spring roses.

She just sat there for long while, motionless, eyes closed. Suddenly she heard slow, steady footsteps behind her. Haylie's eyes jerked open and she glanced behind her. A dark figure was approaching her.

"Hello? Who's there?" She asked.

"Wow, you're friendly." The figure said.

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