Chapter 2: Cuddling

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Feeling really excited about this story as you can see by my frequent updates:) Hope you enjoy. 

(Picture of Luka to the side)

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Chapter 2: Cuddling  

"I'm so pathetic!" Haylie screamed, struggling to keep her balance, as she grabbed Luka for support.

"Come on just a bit more, we're nearly there."

"I actually thought he cared. Did you know?"

"Yes, you said that a billion times tonight."

"Huh, I did, didn't I?" She nearly fell and as a result she tightened her grip against Luka.

"Luka, am I drunk?"

"Yes. You better hope your parents are the understanding kind." He expected her to freak out or something, but instead she laughed. It was one of those bitter laughs.

"My parents? You don't have to worry about that."

"And why is that?"  She stayed quiet as a thoughtful look crossed her face, as thoughtful of a look as possible in her drunken state. He guessed she didn't want to share or the alcohol had really got to her, if so he wasn't looking forward to the encounter with her parents at her house. From experience, parents always blamed him for their sweet little girls getting drunk, even though most of the time he had nothing to do with it. In this instance it was mostly his fault that Haylie was drunk, but still she was a big girl and she was the one who asked for some. What was he to do? To tell her no at her state seemed cruel.

"Which one is your home again?"

"Home? I don't have one."

"Hahaha very funny, now seriously it's getting late where's your house?"

"Oh that. Well you should have said so! Just at the end of the road. The big, white, cold and empty one." He didn't understand the first part but the second was clear enough.

"You know you shouldn't drink anymore. Alcohol does not agree with you." She didn't say anything, it was a miracle she hadn't passed out already from all the alcohol she consumed. He made note to not let her drink again while they were pretending to go out. He got sick of dragging her and decided to just carry her. She was extremely light. He also noted to get more food in her.

"Ahh!" She screamed once she realised she was no longer in contact with the ground.

"Put me down, I can walk perfectly well." She protested half heartily, punching his chest feebly before giving up and snuggling in the nape of his neck. Luka felt himself shiver and decided it was just the cold brisk air.

"You're so soft and warmmm like a big teddy bear." She said in a child like manner as she placed her arms around his neck. He laughed. She was being so ridiculous. He watched as she closed her eyes, her long lashes resting against her cheeks. He averted his gaze back to the path and found the 'big, white, cold and empty' house.

"Haylie wake up." He shook her awake.

"Where are your keys?" She took one of her warm soft hands from around his neck and placed it in her pocket, pulling out a set of keys. He felt instantly cold where her hand had once been.

"Which – "  He was about to ask her  which key would open the house, when she pointed to the big silver key before returning to her comfortable position.  He opened the house and like she had said it was empty. He carried her upstairs and was about to wake her again to ask which was her room.

"Third one from the left." Okay all the mind reading was starting to creep him out. He opened the door, expecting to find a world of pink but instead it was mostly white. There were white pillows with creamy beads on the floor. The queen bed was covered in very light cream sheets and her walls were also some white creamy colour. The floor was covered in some very expensive looking fluffy carpet with a Victorian couch in the corner. The room was very open with large windows around the couch. There were massive bookshelves on either side of a window seat and origami hanging from the wall. In a small corner there was a vintage chair with a desk. He untangled her hands from around his neck and placed her in the middle of the bed. He then walked to the open windows and closed them. He didn't want her catching a cold. He then walked back and covered her with a blanket that was folded neatly beneath the bed. He placed her keys on her bedside and turned away from her ready to go.

"Please don't gooo!" She wined. He turned around as he felt her grab his hand and she pulled, he was surprised and lost his balance as a result, causing him to fall on top of her. He pushed himself up, scared that he had crashed her. He looked to Haylie who had a goofy smile on her face.

"I have to go. Besides what if your parents come and see me in your room?"

"They won't. My mum..." She hesitated.

" away and dad is on a business trip." She said.

He was not a sleepover kind of guy and he really wanted to get home.

"Haylie I can't."

"Pleaseee. Don't leave me. Everyone leaves me." He looked at her. Her eyes were overflowing with sadness and hurt. He swallowed and moved off of her, unable to look into her eyes anymore. He weaved his hands through his hair in thought. Perhaps he could stay? It would fit with the plan perfectly.

"Okay." He said finally. She moved to a side, making space for him. He wasn't used to this. He never let a girl spend the night, they usually left after he was done. Nevertheless he took his place besides her and she once again snuggled closer to him, placing her hands on his chest and sending waves of desire across his body. He watched her close her eyes as sleep took her.

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