The Plan

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HIIIIIIII! I know this isn't as popular as the rejected mate (not even close) but it is my favourite piece of work. It simply written better and I can relate to the characters more. They're more real to me and plus its not something so out there and sc-fi-ish like wereolves. It's also way less complicated and focuses more on the characters rather than the action. 

This story really has a close place in my heart and Haylie is someone I personally relate to, especially with experience of abondonment and lostness. I think many of you would. Sometimes we think that people will save us, but in most of those cases we realise that the only one capable of that is us. We hold on to grudges and hate, not realising that by us doing that we not letting ourselves grow and move on to something better. Everything happens for a reason. This is where I want to take the story.

Please comment your thoughts hate it or love it and please vote and fan if you like what you read

Much love, 



The sun streamed through the glass windows blinding Luka as he shook sleep off and finally adjusting to light, opened his eyes. For a moment he could not remember where he was and why he wasn't in his room. He felt overwhelmed by the light that was flowing in the room and by the creamy-white that seemed to cage him up and hold him captive to the openness of it all.  Then slowly everything came back and he realized where he was.  Besides him Haylie lay motionless and seemed to have not moved from her position since she passed out and if it wasn't for her small breathing that gazed his skin every once in awhile he'd seriously be considering if she was still alive. He looked down at her. Her long eyelashes were casting shadows across his bare chest, her hair was a mess and her face was still stained with mascara. She was a mess, broken in all sorts.

For a moment he wondered whether it was wise to let her play along with his plan, if she even remembered which he very much doubted. He could find another way to get back at Noah for being a dick without having to resort to being one himself. But was he being a dick? He was offering her revenge a way she could channel all the hurt and pain. She could get him back and move on. He still couldn't shake the feeling of this not being right. He decided that if she remembered he'd go with the plan, if not then that's that. Luka loved leaving things to chance when he couldn't make a decision and somehow chance never seemed to fail him in the decisions he could not make.

He moved slowly careful not wake her up and grabbed his shirt and put it on. Somehow he had the feeling that Haylie would freak if she found him shirtless in her bed. So instead he wondered over to her bookshelves. There were countless books neatly placed by alphabetical order. In fact everything had a place in her room and everything was in its place. He wondered across the countless titles. It was weird since he never invested any of his time reading books that weren't assigned to him and found the idea of someone voluntarily reading a foreign notion. The shuffling of sheets behind him disturbed his train of thought and he turned around.  

Haylie blinked, trying to open her eyes. The sun had flooded her room with brightness and it was difficult to see anything. When her eyes had finally adjusted to the lightening, she grasped at the figure that was standing next to her. Memories of the night before swamped her mind. The last thing she remembered clearly was her agreeing to his ridiculous plan, everything else was vague as if a smoke screen covered it from view. She sat up and was greeted by a numbing headache. She reached to her head and rubbed in an attempt to subside it, so that she could think properly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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