CH 7: "A Turn of Events"

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Joey thought Link was more excited about this new development than Joey was. It was kind of scary, feeling this previously unknown part of himself slowly emerging. Had he been a good person before he'd lost his memory? Had he ever used his skills to hurt or kill someone? Maybe he'd just been someone who enjoyed taking combative classes. He didn't know. It was the not knowing his previous nature that scared him.

Link was eager to test Joey and learn just how skilled he was. He garbed them up in sparring gear and took to the mat. "Don't hold back," he told Joey. "The protective headgear will keep you from knocking my brains out, so go ahead punch as hard as you can, okay?"

Feeling anxious, Joey swallowed and nodded. The sparring gloves—similar to boxing gloves without encasing the entire hands—felt foreign as Joey mimicked Link and raised his fists, taking a starting fight stance.

"Protect your face, especially your jaw and chin," Link said. "In a regular fight, a good clock on the chin or jaw can knock your lights out. Let's just throw a few practice punches. If nothing comes out, then we'll back up, and I'll take you through some lessons before we continue. Sound good?"

Joey wasn't sure if it did, but nodded anyway and, upon instruction, inserted the mouthpiece. They both wore padded gear protecting their chest and back as well.

"Just go to it," Link said. "Don't pull your punches. I'll be fine."

"I'm sure you'll be the one kicking my ass," Joey spoke around the mouthpiece.

Link smiled. "Don't bet on it."

They bumped fists then began moving around the mat. Joey waited for some mystery skill to emerge and spur him into action, but there was nothing. His feet felt heavy and his movements uncoordinated. Link's footwork was smooth and calculated, his body swaying in anticipation of Joey's advance. Joey suspected that the thing earlier, taking Link down quick and easy, was a fluke. He didn't feel at all prepared for sparring.

"Hit me," Link urged.

Joey squeezed his fists as tight as he could with the hindrance of the sparring gloves, then swung on Link. His strike was poorly aimed and barely grazed Link's face as the man instinctively dodged the punch and delivered one of his own. His fist connected hard and precise, nailing Joey in the jaw, dropping him to the mat, slightly dazed.

"You okay?" Link reached down and helped him to his feet.

"Yeah." Joey rotated his head and worked his shoulders a couple times. "I don't think there's anything else in there. Maybe that other time was just a weird coincidence."

"No. It was too precise and perfectly executed." He nodded at Joey. "You want to continue? Maybe your skills just need to be coaxed out."

Joey looked at him dully. "Maybe you just want an excuse to keep hitting me." A smile jerked his lips.

Link grinned and put up his dukes. "In that case, hit me back and make me feel it." He struck without warning, punching Joey in the chest with moderate force which caused Joey to stumbled back a few steps. "Come on, unleash your badass self on me." He hit him again—a direct punch to the chin, knocking Joey's head back. He caught himself as he started to go down and moved out of range of another immediate strike.

Bringing up his fists, Joey looked for an opening to deliver his own assault.

"Harness your emotions, Joey," Link said. "Lord knows, you have enough of them churning inside you right now. All the hurt and pain Doug caused you...the fear that trucker instilled...don't fight it—use it. Let it flow into your fists."

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