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Crash's POV:
The therapist told you to take a video of all your feelings. She said you didn't have to show it to her. But it's, according to her, healthy for the mind and soul. You know you don't have a soul.

At home, you talked about your urge to swallow the sleeping pills. You talked about the bullies at college. But the most important thing that you talked about was your galaxy-sized crush on Culture. "I really wanna kiss him... but I can't. I don't know if he likes me back. I wanna go on a date with him, I wanna marry him..." you rambled on with a kid like wonder. "I wanna have an adoptive kid and raise them with him, and I just... I just am praying that he likes me back. I love him to bits.

"But I am also frightened of him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he kicks me out and I become homeless? What if he turns into the demon from the dreams? I have all these questions... And I don't want him to hurt me..."

You ended the video there. That was enough rambling.

Culture's POV:
Stupid camera. Technology is a great thing, but can also be sooooo unreliable. Dumb thing literally exploded into your face.

You shamefully went over to Crash's room to ask for his camera. You knocked on his door. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Ja?" Crash replied.
"Hey, Crash, can I borrow your camera? Mine exploded."

Crash's POV:
You laughed so hard that you totally forgot about the video you'd just recorded.

Culture's POV:
You were sitting there, on your bed, astonished that Crash liked you back all this time and you had no idea. The video could wait.

Crash's POV:
It was too late when you realized that Culture could watch that video. You started to cry because you were so scared. What if he did become the demon? What if he did use you as his boxing glove? This was bad. Very bad.

You were so scared that you didn't realize Culture was in your room until he pressed his lips to yours.

The Pain Feels Right {Culture x Crash Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now