Quick reminder;
"And among His Signs is that the heaven and the earth stand by His Command, then afterwards when He will call you by single call, behold, you will come out from the earth (i.e from your graves for reckoning and recompense). [Quran 30:25]".
Soundtrack: what is love by veronica Bozeman.
(Every chapter will have a soundtrack, a track I listened to while writing the chapter. This is mainly to bring out the emotion in the chapter to life. You could play the song that's if you have it, while you read. I did and it helped and yes for those that might not have the song, I will be pasting the lyrics after the POV's).Him......
BOSTON,MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A.I hadn't noticed the goosebumps on my arms until now from the cool winters breeze. I had been watching the moonlight shimmering across the opaque darkness suddenly exploding into a million fireflies dancing to the rhythmic beat of the crashing waves that had made them.
I snapped out of my thoughts and sipped my now lukewarm coffee, guess i had been so lost in thoughts for long, sitting on the balcony of my office.
I was working overtime today to see that i was done with the design for a clients 5-star hotel. I didn't feel like taking the work home that is why i decided to do it here in the office.How to start describing my life? It was always like i am standing in the middle of a bustling city, watching people rush by without feeling like i am even remotely connected to them.
No, it's not the same as being alone; being alone is more a state of physical being than it is a state of soul and emotion. You're surrounded by all these people who never seem to truly understand you and who seem like will never understand the fears and deepest thoughts that tug at your heart. It's not that they don't care about you or truly try to help you -- it's simply that feeling that they will never understand you, no matter how much you explain. It's that craving for love and connection beyond the surface level. Loneliness leads you to feel like you're literally watching the world go by, not part of anything in particular.I am sure you now have atleast a slight idea on my life, the life of one of the youngest and most renowned Architects from Africa, living in the states.
The incessant vibrations from my phone made me pause work for a while to attend to whoever it was disturbing me at this time of the night.
"Happy birthday to you
Happy bir........"."Thank you, thank you Aiman".
"Spoil sport!".
"Hey sorry... i am just busy". I apologised to my baby sister before she started whining on how too busy i was, not having their time.
My birthday, it sure relived alot of memories, memories of my past life, memories of the cheerful me, not this new workaholic me. Memories of the 91 days that brought a drastic change in my story.
I quickly adviced myself against drifting into a world of thoughts but instead concentrated on my work and in no time i had finished designing the plan for Senator Danjuma's 5-star hotel.
Early in the morning, i left the office for my mansion in Beacon hill, a top residential area here in Boston. It is a big detached house surrounded by an extremely big garden full of shrubs, trees and flowers. It is located a little bit outskirt
of the area because I needed silence, it gives me peace and solitude. The design and building speaks alot about my spiritual world and personality. I have always been fascinated by the sound of river waves and the chirping of birds early morning so I designed a man made river there close to my garden. The sound of the doves perched on the oak tree in my yard always gave me a positive and lively feeling. My place was simply a mixture of peace, harmony and nature.
Before getting into the house, I ambled to a segregated area in the big lawn where a Japanese maple tree was. I looked at the tree and smiled, alot of memories about it came flashing. I searched for a watering can and filled to the brim then carefully watered the tree and stood there for a while reminiscing the past.

Romance"We have to live together. I am tired of this game" I said. "Game! Do you think what's going on between us is a game, it's destiny Ray, our fate". "I do not know. Sometimes I feel insecure and lonely. Often even in your presence I feel that you are...