Chapter 4: A Puzzle Piece

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Eyes flashed in the dark, a deep blue against the night sky.  You startled and backed up along your bed.  As your back hit the wall, the window was shhcked open, coming to a quiet stop as a tall form.  It tickled your brain, matching the height of Peter, much to you dismay.  Those eyes matched a hue by the name of space cadet blue, sparkling as they lit upon me and seemed to recognize something.

"You're (Y/N)?"

You couldn't say a word.  Your roommate was gone, disappeared off with a few other mutants ot explore off campus for the night on a mission.  It was a small thing, patrolling if you remembered correctly, and Kurt was with.  Being here alone with this man-boy-thing just...put you ill at ease as your eyes watched him.

He didn't look away as a hand, gloved in black as you now saw, reached behind the slip something that flashed silver in the moonlight.  It eerily reminded you of Peter's hair.  The thought made you want to smack yourself to keep anymore of them away as they seemed to be invading more and more lately.

"I said, are you (Y/N)?" As it was revealed to you, your body pressed further against the wall, the dip between your shoulder blades tickling it.  You wanted the man, who was stalking closer with the full length sword, away from your pajama-clad body.

He wasn't having it.

His knees met the edge of your bed and you squeaked as the cool metal met your throat.  You wanted to move, but something had warned you off of doing that.  You weren't sure if it was the fact he didn't seem to want to do any harm or you were just scared witless.  Or perhaps some other force was telling you other wise.

You went with the last one.

"Y-yes, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)..." your voice remained steady, as if it knew something other than your mind, that you didn't need to freak but stay steady and calm.

"You knew A-I mean, Chrys then?" The man pulled his sword away at that, seemingly relieved to be doing so. He apparently didn't like doing this anymore than you did and you were momentarily grateful for it as you breathed easier.  Only a little however.  

"Yes, I know her.  Who are you?" As he answered, the memory came flooding back of the boy looking for his sister, his twin, his other half.

"Anders.  I'm her brother."

"I remember now.  My apologies for not recognizing you sooner.  The dark is an excellent cover for those who do not know each other very well." You felt all your muscles return to normal, the tension flooding out as you flipped on the light, now standing near the door to your room.  You had a boy in your room. Hopefully no one walks in...(*evil smirk*).

"As was the point of it.  I had to make it quiet and seeing how your roommate was away, it made the job that much easier to get in.  I did not wish to startle you so, but I did want to have confirmation you were the right person of whom my sister knew-"

"And that piece of information is important why?" You didn't mind talking to him, and as your gut (I hope that was your gut talking and not a second voice)  had told you, had had something to say.  However, you weren't wasting all night on something like this.  Or for dancing around the issue.

"You're the only one who knows what happened to her."


It took you three hours to get him gone.  You had mostly sat there denying knowing anything for you didn't want to tell anyone, not even one of the few who it would effect.  Finally, he got a small rise out you.

The part you didn't know.

"You must know something of where she went!" This was around the thirtieth time (don't ask how you kept track because I'm not you) he had said this.  Over and over, around and around, you both went, bouncing back and forth lies and half told truths.  One was eager to gain the information he sought and the other to be kept out of it.

"Fine!  You want to hear something?"

He nodded.

You huffed out the next part, speaking rapidly in your own pent up frustration.  "I don't know if any of this is true because some of the memories are muddy, as if she tried to keep some half hidden.  It seemed as if she wrote herself out of the book, my book, my story, whatever the hell it is anymore!!!! I can't seem to get a handle on exactly what my world is.  Is it a world?  Is it just a story for others to read?  Is it an actual reality?  I do know this.  I belong to Chrys's world, yours."

"It's reality!" His outburst startled you, causing your rump to hit the corner of the bed as you sat once again.  Only this time, you didn't curl against the wall, but looked down, trying to fully comprehend. "You are not a character in a book, a comic book or a movie, as these others.  You are in love with a fake person made up by some random person's imagination.  None of this is real-" Anders was quickly growing in the strength of his voice, anger coursing strongly as he kept on.

Until you snapped.

"I am in love with someone tangible.  I love that man, the one I can feel under my fingers, warm and solid.  You want to find someone who seems to no longer be tangible.  She up and disappeared, but did you ever wonder if she wanted to leave.  Or did you not realize your twin no longer needed protecting?!"  That was something else you had noticed in that dream before he had awakened you.  You felt as if the brother was overly protective.  Wait, what? The dream...and this is Chr-




What were you thinking about?  Right! "So, I'm well off.  I would rather live in this world."

He was silent, as if taking in the words that had fallen from your mouth.  Upon the man's circular face flashed many emotions before a scowl turned it over, a light of desperation in his eyes as he turned to you once more, even as his body carried him towards the window. "You don't ever want to be normal?  Because where we come from, that's all that people are.  No genetically modified humans or people with born with powers or mutations.  Sure, there are wars, but there is no sense superiority except for the occasional crazy."

"What is it that you really want?  Maybe a better way to put that all you want?  I don't think you'd just come here to make sure I had someone else's memories for no reason.  Neither would you be bothering me to go back..."

But he was gone.  

And the window was shut.

"Who was that?"

And what do you all think of that gem of a chapter?  Welcome to the beginning of the actual plot.  Hope you enjoyed!!!

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