Chapter 8: More Than You Knew

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You didn't want to hide.  For one of the first times in your life, after finding out something that was hugely huge, you didn't hide (yeah, I know), but neither were you looking forward to training.  As much as you hated to admit it, you had enjoyed (somewhat) having the easy mutation, the one who allowed you a bit of leeway with your routine.

You didn't have practice for much besides a bit of self defense, but that was required for everyone at the Institute whether a mutant or not.  That was not someone else trying to understand the mutation that you had learned through and through.  Now it has changed with the simple fact that it had grown larger and started to influence others that are not yourself.  Perhaps if you had not had a nightmare that affected everyone so, you could have gotten around it.

Unfortunately, you were left with Charles Xavier.

The torture of being told what and how to control your mutation had only begun.


Three hours later and you were nowhere near what you had done the night before.  Fortunately for the unrelenting man, you found you could view other's dreams and this was what you did.  Through his guidance, you found you could hear anything you wanted when concerned in a dream.  

And you hated it.

This damn dreams were haunting you, your ability to watch in on one of the most intimate moment in a persons life.  Despite the ridiculousness of you sleeping whenever your body and mind deemed it to be done, this was almost cruel in the way you didn't want to see so much about another person in one viewing.

You learned more about the kid who had volunteered to help than you should have ever known.  In the way he cowered in the dark, you saw the memories of the past two weeks in his mind, that time his parents locked him in a dark closet without a few days worth of food and left him there.  He had come out a few pounds lighter and a worse mentality than beforehand.  When the dream turned hopeful, it was as Xavier came and took him from that closet, his prison cell of isolation, and took the child forward to something much greater.

He is a shapeshifter, able to form into whatever animal of the mammalia kingdom that he may wish, be it dolphin or bear or his human self.  You felt all of this weigh on you as you sat across from said child, chugging down water to keep from having to look at him.  Xavier ate a light lunch nearby and the three of you held a tense silence.   You had told the child of what you saw and Xavier had turned quiet as he took it in.

"Why did you dig?"

"What?" You looked up to see tiny green eyes needling into yours and you had to work to keep from looking away (worse than a person glaring daggers).

"You found my secrets.  Why?  How?"  He was too young to understand properly what  it was you seemed to be doing in your own opinion.  Jeremiah, that was his name, was at the age of his double digits.  Ten.  How could a ten year old go through what he did?

"Why?  You opened up to me.  Do you understand what a dream is?" You asked this.  

Something was disgruntling about it.  

You didn't normally speak this way, prodding into what a dream was.  Sheesh, you were new to them yourself, so you had no way to really talk to anyone about what the hell they were.  

Jeremiah shook his head a negative.

What you spoke next would not have been your words, but they instead seemed to belong to another, one who held something called a big dream in their hands.  They spoke with a never ending hope and wonder that struck you dumb even as the next set of words lefts your mouth.

"You know of the things we call dreams, the ones we seek throughout our lives.  Those are our ideals, something we strive to reach and obtain.  They are goals.  They are the best we can see ourselves doing.  That is one type of dream.  These dreams you have given us access to is so much deeper than that.  Whereas the norm of which we call dreams are what we believe our destiny, our choice in life, the dreams you have at night are the ones documenting our lives.  In these dreams, your mind processes how it feels and what each event of the day meant and weighs the meanings.  Some it discards, some it hardly remembers, and others it keeps close. I see what it is you, yourself, and you desire, despise, fear, love, and hope for.  In these dreams, one can find everything that makes you you.  This is the world you have allowed me to see."

The two males in room held different expressions at your long speech, which left you slightly winded.  You weren't entirely sure if it was because it felt as if something else had momentarily possessed your body or if that was just a lot of talking for one breath.

Mayhaps both.

The ten year old in front of you seemed shocked to a certain degree (actually, I would say that's more of a confused expression, but who knows?) while Xavier was scarily stoic.   He studied you, his eyes, usually filled with a sort of mirth, having a glint of interest. 

"And you totally believe this, (Y/N)?"  You felt that wind again, as if someone were taking over.

"Of course I do.  It is my area of expertise after all.  I had a dream of coming and writing a comic.  That is the first kind while the second is the deepest that exists in a person.  It is only something I recognized recently." I left again, leaving you just as bewildered looking at Jeremiah in front of you.

"You have done well today, (Y/N).  I expect to see you within the next two days to continue your training and exploration of this mutation.  G'day." 

And with that, you finished your lunch and went to sleep.

And found yourself in a confrontation (of sorts).

We getting down to business!!!!!!  We have this going on, but there is quite a bit more to come.  I realized we need another Kurt fluff chapter or else all of this is going to get way too much. After all, aren't we here to see you darling Kurt?


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