Chapter 14: A Moment

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A moment lost in time. That's what we have. Every conversation, every word; every hour, minute, and second; every fleeting dream. These are all precious, suspended moments. Each holds a meaning, whether you realize it or not.


Now that we have that out of the way, I can finally talk like a normal human being. Hi, how are you? Considering I won't know for a while how you'll respond, I'll just let you know that I'm doing well. I regret to say that it isn't always true. Did you maybe want to know where I've been. Doesn't matter cause I'll tell you anyway.

I disappeared-

Oh wait a moment. Almost forgot.

Chrys P.O.V.

Happy? I'm sure you want to see what happens next, but bear with me.

I didn't always write about the fictional world that always existed. In fact, my old laptop, the one not able to connect to the Internet, sits in a corner of my room, filled with stories barely remembered. I would stay up late, hoping to not be caught, as I wrote. I have to say, my parents not digging in my sacred work was a blessing. I had never kept anything important, but they were some of the most important parts of my life. I faintly remember Dear Lune even now.

Anyhow, it was a shock when I first connected back with you, our minds tethered together through the existence of my memories that I embedded into you. The issue, one that I had not anticipated, was seeing through your eyes in my dreams. How glad I was that you couldn't recognize me unless I made myself known.

Through your initial confusion of sorting memories, I was suspended between worlds, my heart stretched as I saw faces I never should have seen. I was in a three month long coma of viewing a world I would never again.

Talk about agony.

Anyhow, after that ended, I went about my daily life. Going to school, getting annoyed with family, trying for the umpteenth time to get a job. I was a regular teenager during the day. At night, in sleep, life became something like a curse. A beautiful, tempting curse that made you want to you want to cry buckets of tears, enough to water the Earth.

This was my life, day in and day and out. Forget, go about the normal day, go to sleep, remember, wake up, and begin the cycle anew with forget.

I don't know exactly why I started speaking. The first few times may have seemed like random thoughts, but they were far from it. That was my voice in your head, increasing the longer we went on in this cycle of forget and remember.


I'm about to forget again.






As of late, you were growing to the point of feeling when I left you. The more you thought of me, the more you became aware of me. The ability to see the life of a normal person fascinated you. The fact you had to once had a life like mine still did not make since to you.

I didn't see a blue boy performing circus tricks, or his mother as her scales rippled into a new form, a blur of silver hair and jacket, the Pink Floyd shirt a rainbow.

I didn't see any extraordinary.

You shook your head, slightly disturbed with your thoughts. You loved it here, the glimpses into my world strengthening my that love, for it would never be the same.

You sought out Kurt.

Upon missing him, as he had taken Kitty for shakes, you found yourself on the lawn, wandering at a rather slow pace. The clouds, fluffy cotton, bumped along on a slightly bumpy wind, looking a lot like your thoughts.

"(Y/N)?" His voice was tender, pulling at you. Peter still looked at haunted as the week before, like he was pining for his love...a love long gone. You knew he would see her again, but she would leave again. Chrys wasn't meant to stay.

But maybe...

No. Those were the thoughts that would get your hopes up, everyone's hopes up. It was the sort of thing you avoided for the present moment. The sort of thing you didn't want to believe in but yearned for so badly.

"Yes?" Your surprise blossoms at your strength of voice, so sure were you that it would fail you.

"I-" As if holding his breath, Peter halts for a moment. "I am sorry if I have put you through anything. I know it must be hard, having battling loves in your heart."

You give him a long look. The brisk breeze stirs his hair, the silver flashing as his dull brown eyes look you over. "How do you know she loves you?"

It registers with him after a few moments, what you've asked. "You know how some people trust their guts?" You nod. "I'm trusting mine now."

"What happens if she doesn't? If she does not return? What say you to that?" You wanted to shove the reality into his head. My, how much you've changed over our adventures together.

"She vill return. The question is vether she vill stay." So he knew how she might be. Despite having her in your head, it never went away, the incomprehensibility of understanding her thinking.

"I just...I'm still your friend. I want you to talk to me if you need to," you reply, patting his arm. He angles away, a look of hurt flitting across his face.

"Ve can't be in the clear, Picasso, until ve have separated the two of you. I vill always be hoping that-" he looks over his shoulder as a group of kids come skipping by. In fact, it was your art class. After you wave, he continues. "That you vould be Chrys."

After saying some half-hearted excuse, he left you. You wouldn't be Chrys, would never plan to even pretend or allow her control for his sake. Maybe that was selfish, but isn't that what humans are?

One thing kept your hope up. He had used your old nickname.

You were a Picasso after all.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. This was a bit of filler, I'll admit, but you get some angst, some feels, and some story of our other character.

Any thoughts?


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