Chapter 3

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I woke up to the smell of burning bacon. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. After having a temper tantrum, I guess fell asleep.

When i walked out of my room, I could see smoke in the hallway. Confused, I rushed to the kitchen when i saw my grandfather on the floor passed out cold. I screamed for my grandma as she came as fast as she could into the kitchen.

"Joseph honey!" My grandmother screamed in dispair. Soon enough papa opened his eyes with the fakest cough i had ever heard. "Got ya!" he said in a playful voice   I nearly slapped him for playing with my emotions like that. "Papa, what is wrong with you! you nearly gave me a heart attack!" "Calm down sweet heart,  Do you not know what today is." I honestly did not care what day it was, He scared me, Bad, I could never loose him.

"It's April First! Just a little something to lighten the mood from yesterday, so how about so nice fresh bac--.... oh man!" he says as he quickly went to pull the bacon out of the oven. I playfully hit his back with the hat he had on and go back into to my room getting ready for school. I soon wake up from the dream that i had wished was reality. Me and grams were at the hospital, papa had had a heart attack and  i  missed the day at school. How could i face anybody knowing that i had lost my papa and my grams was possibly next.


As I sat there on my bed wondering why one of the things I'd loved so much had left me behind. My father, my mother, now my papa and who was next. I hadn't talked to the lord in so long because I felt as if I wasn't being heard, but I prayed anyways. I was sitting there speaking my mind until my grandma walked in on me.

"I miss him too you know..", she told me. I didn't think anyone was aware of the pain I was going through. I was alone in the world, and I didn't have anybody to relate to. "Johanna..", which was my grandma's name, "Did you even love papa." She looked at me baffled and was taken off guard by my statement. "You didn't even cry, out of all people, his own wife..we didn't even have a funeral for him.." I was still furious thinking about the argument with the social worker; I didn't know who was on my side and who was just using me to get what they wanted. " Well maybe you'd think we couldn't afford it and Young lady, you will not talk to me like this. No body is going to come into my house and tell me how I feel", "Oh please, you know you're glad that you're the only one left so you can just pass me along to the next!" I yelled at her.." She screamed back at me "Well I had no choice, I've had to love you , even when I didn't want to -"

I turned around, filled with anger that had been built up over the years. Grabbing my Trophy from 5th grade, I pushed Johanna, and lifted it, nearly striking her. She pleaded, telling me to calm down and that she was sorry but the only thing I remember thinking was .."If he didn't listen to my pleadings then why should I listen to yours."

My Fathers Secret (short story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora