February 17, 2014

10 0 0

Dear diary,

  I woke up this morning to see Alex was already awake looking at stuff on my phone. We heard a puppy cry so I got up and saw that gentleman was lost, he wasn't on his bed with Kitty and Puppy so I grabbed him and put him on the bed. I let Puppy out because she had to go to the restroom and I called Lady to go outside. When I came back in I got Kitty and Gentleman and put them on the bed in between Alex and I. They were crying and wandering around it was so cute. After a while I figured it was time to let Puppy and Lady is so I put the puppies back in their bed and brought Lady and Puppy in. I started making breakfast for Alex I made eggs with hasbrown and toast because there was nothing else to eat. We sat and watched White Collar for the rest of the day. My mom finally decided to bring lunch so she brought pizza and we ate. As soon as we finished, I went to my room to fix Alex's bag so she could leave. We put the dogs their leashes and walked to the bus stop around my corner. We waited a couple a minutes before it finally arrived and kissed bye. I walked back with the dogs and cleaned my closet, where the puppies and Puppy sleep, and moved them into the restroom because Puppy gave them fleas so I was getting them for the bath I could give them which was a wet warm cloth so I had to settle for that. I bathed Gentleman first and he was crying he didn't like but I continued anyway, then I went on to Kitty and he didn't either. Puppy was weirded out by their crying like always so she gave them her version of a bath and they began to eat. I picked them up and moved them back to their room that I had swept and mopped because somehow ants were getting in. And now here I am laying on my bed hearing The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus writing in my diary when I should probably be working on my research project.

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