I'm sorry [ibuki x reader]

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I just had this sudden feeling that I should break my heart :I

   Maybe cause the rejection still haunts me till this day..? Who knows :/

This time.. you'll be breaking ibuki's heart :..)
   She is still best girl though :3
My opinion >:3

note that I did work on this before and got rejected like 3 times from others...

   I felt like doing something just to take it off of me.


  (Y/n) had been friends with ibuki since garden.

   They both met at a K-on (light music)

Ibuki had been mesmerized by (y/n)'s beauty.. oh and her personality too i guess

You both entered in hopes peak academy but one of you passed.

of course it would be ibuki because the way she is

It was their last day together before highschool. They agreed to meet up from time to time... still..

A note was handed to you saying



   Before I go we part ways.. Meet me at the school gates at 

17:00 before it's too late.



~school gates 17:00~

Ibuki was waiting silently not like her self.

   Her kokoro was beating, but still has the feeling it may be already too late..


Ibuki waited.. but she wasn't as patient anymore. 

(y/n) came running and sweating towards her with the image of being worn out

"HUFF... Ok.. HUFF... I'm here..!" (y/n) said

Ibuki looked at (y/n) with a worried look..

"I have something important to say... (f/n)" Ibuki came out and said with a calm toned voice than her usual self.

(y/n) just questioned the girl and let her continue her words.

"I know.. I'm a wild, selfish and maybe blunt type of girl you know.."

"go on..?"

"I...I-I know that you may hate me at times.. and we would always make it up.. but.."

Ibuki said.. but the town was getting more gloomier and sadder.. It kinda questioned you more

"I had developed feelings for you for a couple years now.. and I don't know what to do about it.. I just want to point this out to you just for me to get rejected" Ibuki said while tears where slowly coming down to her.

   you didn't really consider her feelings with yours.. You gave her the look and said..

"I'm sorry... I can't return it... I didn't know this would happen.. I'm sorry.." You said and ran off home.

"(f/n) thank you.. I know I'll never be satisfied.."

Ibuki just stood there..

helpless that she was still hoping.

She decided that she won't try to go one sided again

and now.. you parted ways with her..

~skipped to 3 years~

You were in the hospital because of something that causes you to die. 

You turned on the TV just to slowly fade away your life in the room.

Switching channels here and there, but then you stood frozen..

Ibuki was there.. Lively like she used to when you meet her, but she seemed more mature and cooler than the past.

(y/n) smiled of how happy she was moving on..

"I know that was pain on you... and I'm sorry.. be happy to your new life"


Writers block tbh..

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