Chapter 1: Tornado

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I didn't wake up until I heard the tornado sirens. After jolting awake I rolled off of the couch and onto the floor, landing heavily on Kevon.

"Isn't this how we frist met?" he asked rhetorically with a coy smile as he lifted me up and sat me gently on top of the mahogany coffee table. I crossed my legs and thought back to the day when I met Kevon: crashing into him, then falling on top of him.

"Of course, I remember." I said as I tuned back in to reality, and realized that he was in my face. He place a finger under my chin, and brought my face closer to his. I waited patiently for a kiss that never came.

"We should get to the basement," he said soothingly, "You do hear the tornado sirens, don't you?" I nodded, and sighed, which caused him to lean in for a kiss. He came up short, because the wind picked up. He grabbed me by my shoulders urgently and tackled me to the ground. He sheilded my body with his own as a tree trunk flew through the the window, and crashed violently into the wall making a booming roar of shattering glass fill the air. If I had been where I was a second ago, I'd be crushed into oblivion; my blood and guts would be splattered and permenantly stained into the wall. The wind was sceaming so loud in my ear that I could barely hear when Kevon beckoned for me to head into the basement.

We crawled over to the staircase. My pants were shredding from the immense amount of glass that was on the floor. Soon the glass got through. My blood started to gush out of the fresh cuts on my knees and hands, and my pants were stained with red. The strong aroma of iron scented blood nauseated me, and white flashes of light danced in my eyes.

"Remi! Watch out!" Kevon distinctly yelled. I blinked my eyes repeatedly while looking around to see what Kevon was warning me about. Suddenly all I see is a gigantuous bookcase towering over me, faliing in slow motion. I closed my eyes and braced for impact instead of moving out of the way. Kevon wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me to safety. The bookcase misses and gives us a small slither of breathing room. Too close for comfort.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" he interrogated. "Freeze time!"

Of course. Why didn't I think of that? I shut my eyes and focused diligently as I could, then Kevon abruptly jerked me forward to save me from losing a limb. "C'mon, Remi. You can do this." he said sweetly. "I know I can, if only you'd shut up." I said in a monotone. He let the statement roll off his back. I concentrated, and the wind stopped, and all was quiet. I opened my eyes, and all was still. I looked at Kevon, who was still immobile, and decided not to unfreeze him just yet. Instead I walked over to the spot when my jacket was laying, put it on, and left the house while carefully making sure not to walk into free floating glass and debris.

Echo. That's who I decided to go rescue. The tornado could have already hit his condo. I just decided to go and check up on him, because Kevon made me upset. Upon pulling into his drive way, everything was intact. The tornado hadn't been here, yet. There was another car parked next to Echo's: a red Ford Focus. Exceedingly affordable. The license plate read "4MYLUV".  I'm guessing that he has a little love dove. I can hardly wait to meet her. I used the key he gave to to get in, since time was frozen. He'd given me a key, just in case he wasn't home, and I was mad at the world. Echo's the one guy friend with an ostentatious personality that can make the rain stop with his smile. That's why I go to him while I'm angry, and I usually leave haven forgotten why I was angry in the first place.

When I got up the stairs, and looked into the living room, no one was in there, but there was a jacket on the couch. I assumed that he was in here somewhere. I walked into the kitchen and saw something that might have given me a heart attack if it wasn't frozen along with the rest of the world. Echo was on the floor backed in to the corner, bludgeoned and beaten. Blood was splattered on his grey V-neck shirt. His right eye was black, and he had his knee scrunched up to his chest. I overted my gaze over to the person who I assumed caused his appearance. This broad beast barely had a scratch on him. He looked like a serial killer that you'd meet on craigslist. He was hunched over, and holding a silver pistol.

I was glad I froze time when I did, because by the looks of it in one more minute Mr. Wixom would have been hanging with Jesus.

Without thinking twice about it, I walked over to Echo, and laid my hand on his shoulder. He sprung to life releasing his knee from his chest and powerfully kicking me in the stomach. I flew backwards and hit the wall, searching for air to breathe, and failing as I tried to fill my lungs. As I flopped around like a beached dolphin Echo looked around frantically trying to figure out what all was going on. Once he looked at me he realized what had happened, and rushed over to my side. I was still gasping for air as he tried to aid me. He wasn't doing a very good job since he needed aid himself.

"Remi, what are you doing here? How did you get here? You came out of nowhere! Are you alright?"  I wanted to scream YOU JUST KICKED THE LIFE OUT OF ME AND NOW YOU'RE ASKING IF I'M OKAY? But, I couldn't even take air into my lungs let alone yell. My chest started to get exceedingly warm, and the next thing I knew I was vomiting up food that I hadn't eaten in months. After that, I blacked out.

When I woke up I could hardly rememember what happened. My chest, ribs, and stomach were aching, and my head was throbbing. I was lying on a soft, lush, bed, and my ribs were patched up, but I wasn't in a hopital.

Echo, walked into the room. "Wow, if I had kicked Julius as nearly as hard as I kicked you-" He stopped, because he didn't know how to finish his sentence. I tried to sit up, but the burning sensation filled my body, and suddenly I had to puke again. I reached for the trash bin- it looked like I had already puked in it- and started barfing up my lungs. Not literally, but that's what it felt like. After I finished, he walked over and sat next to me, and patted me on my back. I winced, because the littlest contact felt like gunshot to me at that moment.  "You know, you saved my life." he said genuinely. "Yeah," I said, "It appears that you got in a serious battle to the death match out there, Jordan. I'm talking Mortal Combat 'finish him, fatalitty" I barely said. He sighed. "So, who is that guy? Julius?" I asked, gasping heavily for more air. He didn't answer me. "Remi, I think I may have broken your ribs. It could have punctued your lungs. You could slowly bleed to death." he said looking worried. "Unfreeze time so we can get you to a hospital." he said, about to tug on my arm then realizing that it would hurt, placed his hand on the bed.

"I can't" I said in all honesty. "Come on Remi, Kevon would kill me if I let you die." he pleaded. "If I unfreeze time he'll be dead." I said, feeling faint again. "What do you mean?". "I froze time, because there's a....tornado that's hitting" I said, losing air. "Well, lets get him, and head to the hopsital." Echo stated, and he grabbed my jacket. He helped me up and he drove to my house. We got there fast, not having to stop at any lights. When we got there, Echo carried me over to Kevon, and I lightly brushed my finger on his shoulder. He came to life reasonably calm, and thank God, didn't deliver a life-ending kick to my stomach.

"Remi? What happened to you? Echo, what-" "No time to explain, we need to get out of here, and get her to the hospital." Echo said as he motioned for Kevon to help me to the car. As soon as we were well out of reach from the tornado, and pulling into the hospital parking lot I unfroze time with the lovely Spanish words "en vivo". Next thing I knew was I was being rushed into the hospital, and then everything went black.

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