Chapter 3: Ending The Beginning (Introducing Nicholas)

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This is our new home. Our. We were all living together. Me along with three men. I knew this was truly going to be an experience. The house, however, didn't look that bad. In fact it was breath-taking. It was a nice size; very roomy. Smooth oak floors. A patio, a balcony, and it was fully furnished. I began to ponder how they could possibly afford something as wonderful as this, but the thought comepletely vanished from my mind the second I saw the pool. I whole-heartedly love swimming, and if I wasn't as shy as I am I would have dove head-first into the thing.

"One thing." started Josh. "There is only three rooms." he finished. I shrugged my shoulders. Boys are bunking. Why should I care. "Well, I need my privacy." Josh continued. "Well, fine Echo and Kevon will room together." I said, hardly paying attention. "Well-" Kevon began but was cut off by the doorbell rang. Echo coughed a bunch before contaminating the doorknob while opening the door.

"Hello, you're new in the neighborhood. Thought I'd stop by and-" he paused and looked around the room at our faces. "..and welcome you all. May I come in?" Echo opened the door wider to allow our visitor to come in. Although he hadn't gotten very much closer to me I notice that he was slightly taller than Echo. He had shimmering cerulean eyes. He gave a wicked bright smile as he reached for Josh's hand to give him a handshake. "Excuse me, but what is your name?" I was surprised to hear myself say. In the process Josh's, Echo's, and Kevon's thoughts very silent with surprise. "Jace. Jace Landers." He said as he grabbed ahold of my hand and shook it lightly. Jace. He seemed pretty normal, but I wouldn't know for sure unless I read him. His mind that is. It wasn't much of a help, he was mostly thinking of some song by Train. Drive By I believe. How daft.

"Well, what is your name?" he asked for the second time, peering into my eyes with his lucious, dark brown hair falling into his face. I didn't hear him the first time because I was too busy trying to figure out the name of the song he was thinking of. "Remi." I said strongly. Its weird. It was like his presence was making me dominant. He was bringing me out of my shell. Its kind of how I feel when I'm alone with Echo. "Nice to meet you Remi. And you are?" he said as he looked to the three guys on my left. "I'm Kevon, this is Josh, and Echo. Okay, well it was nice of you to stop by. You should really-" "Echo?" Jace said cutting him off. "That's a very peculiar name. Is it your nicknam-" "No. It's my name. You should leave." Echo responded. Jace's smile slowly faded off of his face, and he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry if I am bothering you. I should go, and let you get settled in." he said mindlessly as he back toward and out of the door.

"What the hell was that about. That's not how you treat a neighbor!" I said, wondering why I was as upset as I was. "Remi," Josh pitched, "Jace is obviously a CAE agent. He doesn't even look like a Jace. He looks more like a Nicholas." he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, there's something off about him." Kevon said. I paid no mind to him, because he's the jealous type, and he obviously felt threatended by Jace. They both looked patiently at Echo- waiting for him to back them up. "Yeah." he said as he elbowed me, slightly losing his balance, and walked away. Silence slowly filled the air. Josh started to walk out of the room. "Yeah, oh and you're rooming with your boyfriend. Enjoy." he coughed out and scurried out of the room. I looked at Kevon- mouth open, and eyes wide. He used his index finger to tap my mouth shut. "Lets take a walk, and get to know the neighborhood." he grabbed hold of my hand and guided me to the door.

On our way up the street we passed Jace's house. He was on his porch with what seemed to be his sister. She looked very similar from him, but we were at a distance, and I didn't want it to look like I was staring, so I couldn't get a good look at her. I looked at Kevon who's chocolate eyes were already pouring into mine. "Why don't you like Jace? You guys just met." I asked. He didn't reply so I continued. "I even read his mind, and all I got was oh I swear to you, I'll be there for you, this is not a drive by..." His eyes filled with anger. "Chill, it's just a song." I placated as he released some of his tension. "The guy just seems like a character." he mumbled. I decided to leave the subject alone.

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