chapter: 14- whoah

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I sat in the icy waiting room, where I heard nervous children grip onto the dark cherry wooden arm rests, as they thought back to all those scary movies where operations went wrong. Then there was the low hum coming from the television set that hung from the ceiling at an incline, so the little twerps could see it properly. When I looked at the TV I noticed a blue fish swimming like a chicken with its head cut off, and a smaller, orange fish following closely behind. This can only be, Finding Nemo. I honestly don’t think there is another fish movie out there.

            The high-pitched ringing of the receptionists’ phone quickly got me to come out of my daze, and I looked around the room, seeing horrifying memories that took place here.

            My father was standing by the elevator his eyes red and puffy, and his hair a complete mess. It was a complete mess, with bits and pieces of his hair stick out like a sore thumb in odd directions. My aunt was no better. My aunt, Elizabeth, was 24 then and was currently working at star bucks. She hated it there, but enjoyed the employee discount whenever she bought a muffin or coffee from there. Her rich blond hair was drenched with water and it clung to her face like magnets. Hey mascara was oozing out of its careful line under her eye and it started smearing everywhere. Like my father, she was also wearing red puffy eyes. Her clothes were starting to drip and settle on the beige carpet, making them an even grosser color.

            Today is what my family will futurely know as D-Day. D-Day stood for Depression Day. A.K.A my mother’s death.


            “JAMES?” My father yelled, as I saw him emerge from one of the brown sweeping doors. Apparently it’s supposed to entertain the children so they don’t think the hospital is such a horrible place. My dad wore black worn jeans and a blue long sleeved T-shirt and a puffy white leather jacket. The jacket was a little “girly” in my opinion, but that was the least of my problems.

            I got up and ran up to my dad not giving a flying rats arse about the massive glare the husky blond receptionist was sending my way. Once I reached him I wrapped my arms around his warm chest and clung to him for dear life. Once it got a little awkward just standing there hugging my father, I dropped my numb arms to my side and led my father to the seat I was sitting at a few minutes ago.

            We sat there for a moment or so with my dads’ mouth partly open thinking of something to say and I just sitting here with my hands tucked safely under my thighs and my head bowed, saying a silent prayer to Asa.

            Please Lord, I know you don’t except us gays into heaven, or that’s what I’m told, but please, help out Asa! He is my everything, Lord and I know I’ve messed up a number of times, and I know I’m nowhere near the “good boyfriend” status but I try. I really do! It seems like I try to do something good for someone, and then it comes back and bites me in the ass. But before I start ranting on and on about how I am such a horrible boyfriend –which I am- I just want to say that if you don’t save my beloved, Asa, then you’ll have another life being thrown away. By that I mean, without him, I’m nothing. Without him, I may as well be dead. But please lord, save him. With that, I say Amen.

            I opened my eyes and tilted my head up a little and sighed when nothing happened. So that’s it… Asa’s dead.

            I accepted it when I was being dragged out of his hospital room kicking and screaming, but I think now the shock has left and the misery is now just settling in.

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