Chpt 1

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   I rushed through the mall trying to get to my job. 'Shit, I'm gonna be late' I thought to myself. I ran, but then my foot slipped out from under me and I collided with someone. As we landed I got off of him and stood up bowed apologizing to him. I vaguely recognized him but that could be because I've seen him at work, or because I've seen him at the grocery store, or because he makes youtube videos, as I'm literal youtube trash. I DO NOT KNOW. I watched as he stood. He smiled at me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and so ran into you." I apologized again. "Here let me treat you to lunch I'll pay for it.'' I said. "Oh, no no, you dont have to." He said. I smiled "I want to." I said. "I feel bad for hurting you." I walked in and my boss stormed up to me. "Briar, I told you the next time you were late I would fire you!" He yelled. I frowned. But I heard the man behind me speak, "I'm sorry sir, she was only late because she was helping me, I had lost my grand mother in one of the stores and she came to help me, so please dont fire her, it wasn't her fault." He said. My boss looked at me sympathetic. "I'm sorry Briar, but if you are late one more time, I will have to fire you." He said. I smiled. "So you work at PF Changs?" He said astonished. I nodded. "I love their food and I get everything half off because I work here." I said. I clocked in. "Wait here, I'll seat you momentarily." I said. I went to get my uniform on and my name tag. I grabbed my notepad and headed out to the front. I smiled towards the man. "Hello, my name is Shyler I will be your waitress today." I greeted. He looked at me funny. "I thought your name was Briar?" He told me. I shook my head. "My nickname is Briar because I look like Briar-Rose except curvy, according to the other waiters and waitresses." I said. he smiled at me and ordered.

{timeskip till payment.}

   I handed him the check so he could put his card in. He looked at me before slipping something else in. I smiled towards him, and headed over to get the check. When I opened the checkbook I saw his credit card and a peice of paper with his number on it. I pretended to pay with his credit card but really payed with mine. And I put his card back in and took the peice of paper out before sliping it into my pocket. I gave him the check back and smiled at him. "Thank you for the extra thing in the check I'll use it when I get home." I said, dropping the hint that I'd text him later. He smiled and nodded.

   I unlocked my apartment door, it wasn't big and extravagant, but it was home. I got out my phone and eagerly typed in the phone number into my phone and typed.
{S= Shyler A= Adande}
S: hey it's me Shyler from PF's just testing out this phone number, what's your name?
I texted. I realized I didn't even know this dudes name yet.
A: hey, I'm the guy, my name is Adande.
He sent a moment later. 'Hmm that name sounds familiar' I thought to myself.
S: hey Adande, what do you do for a living?
A: I'm a youtuber.
S: oh I watch a lot of youtube, what's your name maybe I know of you
A: oh, my names sWoozie on YouTube.
My eyes widened and I smiled
S: I knew I recognized you from somewhere, I've seen some of your videos before, your pretty funny.
A: oh crap, you aren't one of my psycho fans right.
S: haha no, I mean I'm a fan but not psycho.
A: phew, so hey I know you work at PF changs, but do you have any other hobbies?
S: well on occasion I post cover videos to my channel Shyler's cove
A: oh cool
I smiled at the text.

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