Chpt 2

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Chpt 2

Me and Swooz have been talking for about a month now, texting, Facetime, Skype sleepovers were our main form of conversation. And one day he apparently felt my channel wasn't getting the attention it deserved, and he gave it a shout out. Ever since that day my channel has been growing exponentially. I'm at 45,000 right now, and everyday I get more and more people to join my channel. And since I've been growing so much I wanted to move. I have been getting tired of Las vegas, So Last week I started preparations on moving. I quit my job, I called in some favors and started packing up. I let my fans know, and Swoozie kindly let me stay at his place until I was back in the swing of things so I could move into my own place. {I don't remember if sWooZie has said if his orlando place has a Guest bedroom, so just pretend.} So tonight I filmed a video so that way I can edit and publish the video on the way to Swoozie's place. so now tomorrow, all I have to do is check in on the moving truck, pack up the rest of my clothes and my electronics, and get to the airport in time. After finishing the video I took down my set up and placed all my stuff next to the carry on. I rolled the rest of my clothes up so they would fit and put that next to my suit case. I took some Melatonin so I could get a nice long night of sleep. I set my alarm, and I was ready to go.

I when I woke up, I turned off my alarm and started my day. I made some cereal and as I ate I checked up on the moving truck with the moving company, everything was going along smoothly. I threw away the box I had finished and the paper bowl and plastic spoon I was using. I showered really fast mainly focusing on my hair. I brushed my teeth and dressed in an oversized grey sweater and a pair of black leggings with my combat boots. I brushed out my long brown waves and started packing, which because I laid it all out before hand went really fast. I checked my phone, I still had a good hour to get to the airport. I slung my carry on over my shoulder and I grabbed my suitcase. I took one final look at my apartment. This place had been my home for 3 years. I turned and closed the door before locking it up. I went downstairs and got in my car. I drove straight to the Airport. I put my car in for transport and walked to baggage. So far everything was going smoothly. I put my suitcase on the thing and after a minute or two I walked to security. I took out everything and I took off my shoes and walked through the metal detector. It started beeping and I got confused. As the security guy walked over I remembered. "Oh, sir I have metal gauges." I said, showing him my metal tunnel plugs. He nodded and waved me through. I gathered all my things and headed to the terminal. I texted Swoozie telling him I'd be there I like 4 or 5 hours. Before turning off my phone. When the plane actually was ready I gathered up my bag and headed on to the plane once it took off I just started editing and after about an hour I was done and I posted my video.

I stepped off the plane and it was just starting to get dark. I went to get my baggage. And after i had gotten all situated, I texted Swooz telling him I had landed. He told me he was there. I looked around. I asked what he was wearing and he said he was wearing a super mario tee shirt. So I looked around for a super mario tee. After not seeing it I texted him I would stand on top of a chair and hold up my phone, and that my phone screen would be all white. so I did that and after a minute I spotted a red super mario t-shirt. I jumped off the chair and hugged my friend. "Hey shy." he said. He had developed that nickname because I let my brown hair grow out and I stopped looking like briar rose. "Hey Swooz." I greeted. We talked on the way to his car. And when we got to his place I was pooped. He chuckled at me when I plopped myself down on the couch. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. My head jumped up at the mention of food. "I'll take that as a yes. I nodded over and over again. "All I've had since breakfast is packages of peanuts that you get on the plane." I groaned. "Well where do you want to go?" He asked. I looked at him. "Where do you think I want to go?" I asked. "PF Chang's?" He asked. I nodded. "PF Chang's." I replied. I set my stuff down and he grabbed his keys.

After eating we got home and we just decided to watch some movies. We ended up snuggling on the couch. It really wasn't sexual, but I still felt kinda weird about it, maybe because I have started to develop a small crush on him. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, and snuggled closer to him. He chuckled at my actions and I groaned. "Your really warm." I said. He laughed this time. I slowly felt my eyes drifting shut and before I could do anything I fell asleep.

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