The town of begginings

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Scene set- there is a bustling market, full with stalls selling their goods and people buzzing and shuffling everywhere. It is all together rather merry but soon you realise, it's all in a game. You can hear snappets off speech all around you.

Voice 1: isn't it great? They've cleared the next floor!

Voice 2: nicest swords in the game! Come get 'em!

Voice 3: oooh, let's get these

Voice 4: everything is so pricy!

Voice 5: this game isn't so bad

Voice 1: ooh look is the the Draconic Guild?

The crowds clear as new characters appear. There is Jo, Tyler, Ryvern, Forrest, Feren, Ajax and Zeke.
There is muttering amongst the people. The Draconics are a famous but small guild. They fight on the front line in Sao and are possibly the strongest guild.

Tyler: they're staring at us again... can't we just get out of here?

Forrest: well you might not like it but look at Jo! She's loving it.

Jo is indeed. She is waving and shouting out to people she knows.

Tyler: well she would wouldn't she.

Jo: nnnnnnn *sticks tongue out*

Feren: I'm with Tyler here. Sorry, let's go already. *lifts up teleport Christal*

Everyone takes up their Christal and teleports away, the crowds mingle again and continue to chat. You can't hear exactly what they are saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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