Change of Plans

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Two weeks passed since Sherlock's insemination and many of John's treatments were done as well, it was finally their first appointment to see if the insemination actually worked.

Sherlock knocked on their bedroom door. "John? Are you sure you wanted to go? You don't have to if you don't feel well."

The door opened and there stood a very weak and frail looking John, pale and skinnier than even Sherlock. The detective pursed his lips, feeling his heart shatter into a dozen pieces at the sight of his sick husband. "Did you just throw up again?" Sherlock asked, running his hand through John's hair, seeing a few strands have come out with it from his treatments.

John nodded, wiping his hand over his clammy forehead before practically collapsing against his husband's chest and Sherlock gladly accepting him. Literally supporting his husband. John knew he needed to stay home and care for himself, but how could he miss such an important appointment? This was the make or break moment for the both of them and John couldn't miss it for the world.

"Are you sure you want to go? I know you don't feel well my darling, so stay home and have the kids take care of you. That's why we had kids, right?" Sherlock joked, making John chuckle and sighing. "We had kids for the joy of having a family. And I want to go to your appointment, for the sake of feeling that joy all over again." John's voice went as frail as his body, the feeling of guilt growing and rising in Sherlock's chest and throat. It hurt him to see his beloved husband like that; a once strong and suitable soldier that captivated Sherlock's heart the moment he laid eyes on him, now a frail, small, and sick man that needed the detective every waking moment in his life.

Sherlock twisted his lip before looking to his husband who stared at him with tired eyes. He would hate to force his husband to do something he couldn't do, then again, Sherlock knew him better than anyone and knew John wouldn't stop at anything to see if the insemination worked.

"Alright. Let's get going then." Sherlock rubbed John's shoulder before kissing his forehead and leading him to the bathroom to get him ready for the day.


"Are you sure you want to go? It's not too late to cancel." Sherlock asked, helping John with his jacket. The blogger rolled his eyes before turning around and catching the detective in a feverish kiss. Pulling away, he opened his eyes and sighed at his husband's many questions. "Yes Sherlock, I want to go. I don't want you to cancel just for me. I want to be there for you and our little one." John placed his hand on Sherlock's stomach, the detective gently jolting in surprise.

It hit the detective like a wall of bricks. There could be a human being growing inside of him and it scared him to think that he would be responsible for growing their child. He knew how John felt about being pregnant and he knew how much John wanted to be the one to carry their child, but receiving the news of his cancer brought everything of their world crashing down onto their shoulders. Money was never an issue, being a Holmes and an older brother having the British government wrapped around his finger, all of John's treatments and Sherlock's appointments were taken care of before they even got the bill in the mail. It was one more thing they didn't have to worry about, despite constant protests by both Sherlock and John wanting to take care of themselves but John caved, convincing his raging husband that it was good they didn't have to worry about such things and having such a caring family to carry the weight of some of their burdens.

Sherlock smiled, taking his husband's hand and kissing his knuckles. "Well, we don't want to be late do we?" The detective asked, helping his husband down the stairs and to the front door where Hamish and Violet were waiting to say their goodbye's before they went off to school.

"What are you two still doing here? You should be halfway to school by now." John asked, his shaky hands resting on his hips with a snarky tone in his voice. Sherlock chuckled, tying his scarf around his neck and trying to seem like he wasn't in the conversation but he was nonetheless. It was always funny to see his husband trying to scare the kids with his stone-like army face and Captain John Watson-Holmes tone of voice.

The Watson-Holmes (Sequel To The Perfect Cradle)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant